Report of the Hattawi's

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    Well, as GodsDead already knows is that I have been having some trouble with the Hattawi bros. (Hattawi_ and Hattawi_A) lately.

    This is what I reported through TS if you want a refresh.

    I hadn’t been online for a few days and suddenly the chest I forgot to lock was nearly completely empty. Now, this Hattawi_A kept on going into my base. Which, as far as I’m concerned is very well hidden (and now also very nicely protected with the help of Markusi13 for helping me claim it completely). So I told him to get out which he didn’t. Yet he tried to gain my trust by giving me my stuff back. (what? Raid me and then give my stuff back? You think I”ll trust you then?) So he gave me my stuff back but didn’t leave. In fact, he gave me about 16 diamonds within 30 minutes. and he dug like 1 block into the wall under which apparently were diamonds. How would he have known it was there without X-ray? Unfortunately,  I forgot to take screenshots so I have no proof of that but trusting my word.

    You ended up only warning them, but I doubt they took your advice.

    Now, however, I do have more proof.

    – Athenmos and Tim protected me from another raid they had planned on my base which means they are the ones trying to raid me and not someone else.

    – I have more proof for that for their usual nerd poling up. I took some screenshots of how my area looked and how the area in which they live looks. I have been removing their nerdpole blocks many many times so my area would look normal again but they keep on trying to raid me.

    – I have screenshots of a hole they made which only proves that they are using X-ray. (How else would they have known?) They killed all of my chickens because of that hole (I had protected the chicken area, and not the wall yet, which now is protected).


    I just hate it that I am the victim of this X-raying **** or so to say. I have quite a lot of stuff I do not want to lose. Now, yes, it is completely protected (for what I know), so it’s not possible to go in once again. But my base is big and I might have missed some stuff.

    Also, I have a giant mine, in which they have been digging a lot of diamonds most likely. I don’t care if they use it, as long as they use it fairly just like others have to mine, without X-ray.

    I am done with these raids and this X-raying thing. They should be banned for cheating/hacking/using X-ray. It’s not fair for the other players AND they ruin the nice area I live in with their nerdpoles I can’t remove because of the claims. They cheat, and I’m not the only one who had that suspicion.


    Godsy, I really hope you will do something about it. I have enough proof with my story, and I do really hope you trust me by now. I’ve been playing on your server for such a long time, without causing any trouble. I’m just done with it not being fair.

    Thank you.





    Alex Lazescu
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    Right, also, a few weeks before this, Iamthereaper89 looked into the Hattawi’s rather strange mining system, all tunnels. 1 block single tunnels, no strip mining, that have very strange angles and always lead to (now empty) ore pockets. The tunnels are not lighted, and are very peculiar indeed. Also, during a PVP Bonanza at Uni’s place, me and Uni witnessed the Hattawi’s switch armor rather strangely. Heres how it went, they were both wearing full leather, running around causing havoc, yet the instant they would step over iron armor, the armor would instantly be equipped, all 4 peices at once, discarding the leather, with no delay, at all. Also, there have been strange incidents where they could hit you 4 blocks away, so you couldnt hit them. Strange huh? Sadly, no vids or screens, but here are plenty of eyewitness accounts of these strange actions. Also, the Hattawi’s have a rather rude vocabulary. :/

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    An official ticket report!

    I have emailed the leader of the Hattawi team with an official warning  as they never seem to be online when I am.


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    One of the Hattawi’s being invisible.. only he forgot that weapons do show, such a shame 😉


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    Hacking video on youtube already shown to gods another one on the way atm. lets See if u think they hack why dont u reply to this. also Hattawi_A also said after they got athens stuff We are burning your stuff before we get banned. Maybe a little hint the expect to be banned? 😛

    first video. Hattawi_ killing his teammate before killing the other team i don’t think that should have happened. probably had aimbot on and didn’t ally his teammate with it


    second video will be added later


    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    video from my post above killing his own brother i don’t know if i got that part in but it happened and auto armoring which not in video but was going on many people will agreed these 2 are hackers.

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Wow, I never expected everyone to support me in this. Thank you everyone.


    Much love <3

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    So I hopped on to the server for a little bit and I went around to see where my area wasn’t protected.

    This is what I ended up finding.


    (last 4 pictures)

    This is literally the only place unprotected (for now) And they still managed to find it and dig down INTO my base. I am not sure how they would’ve done that without X-ray. They might have done this without hacking but there have been enough stories to prove they do. Even a video that shows such. I’ll be looking MORE proof considering they still only got a warning (the second warning to be exact). (I got an answer on this about something I forgot that was possible)


    I want them gone for the fact they hack and cheat and it gives them an unfair advantage over other players in perhaps even a siege (which is most likely going to happen at my place first if they siege). Now I am not the strongest in PVP but I still don’t think it’s fair they can hack all sorts of stuff.


    Also let me add another thing that happened.

    As Hattawi_A was giving me back his stuff (My saddles and my horse armor) he kept on saying:  “Come in, Come in.” when we were at the Church of The Notch Apple. I obviously didn’t trust him and didn’t want to go in since he recently had raided me so it took me about 30 minutes to get him to give my stuff back. I even threathened him for a bit so he would give my stuff back and that only made him laugh and said I couldn’t win. My armor and sword however were stronger than his.

    I’m sure he was very confident that even with his armor and weapon he could win. If I would’ve attacked it would take him a bit to take good armor out and a weapon. By the time a person, who’s not hacking would take them out they would’ve been dead. Yes, I’m jumping into conclusions but if he was so confident he must have had a hacking thing to be able to live IF I attacked.

    Expect more posts if they tried to enter from different areas because I’m going to search thoroughly.

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    Return of the Hattawi’s

    So, like I said in my previous post, I’ve been searching around my base for any other ways to get in. (Breaking my walls)

    “Strangely” enough I found another dark one and two spaced alley that went from my chicken farm to my plant farm. Before hand I shall tell you a little bit about my plant farm.

    I’ve got this hole behind my farm that I had covered up. There was tons of coal behind it so I took it out. That area I never completely covered it up but there was no way to enter and no way to find it.

    The Dark alley was dug around my claims at the height of my animal farms. My plant farm is a few blocks down on the other side of my base. They dug around, and at a certain point they just started digging down which ended up in the hole of my farm! There is no way they would have just randomly dug down and found it. They must have used X-ray.

    here are some more pictures of what I just recently found except I lit the area up a little bit so you can see what they have done. This was all in complete darkness.

    If this doesn’t prove enough that they ARE hacking along with the other examples then I don’t know what more of a proof you can ever get. Many people complained, and I’m being one of the main victims of the X-ray. I really think they should be banned and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

    Warnings won’t help. If they had to be warned twice it’s too much already. Not following a warning the first time just means you won’t listen at all. I’m so done with those two and so are others.

    They deserve a ban. Not any more warnings. It’s just NOT fair.

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    Hattawi’s xraying into my zombie spawner At Castle Wither


    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    Alex Lazescu
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    Another wierd instance of the Hattawis, this time more tragic.. for me.

    The server was restarting, and the last I had seen of them they were locked in Uni’s “prison”. However, when they came on, 5 seconds later i saw them glitching through water and blocks to my base, causing massive lag, I still kick myself for not having recording software, as this would have been gold. As this wasnt enough, they somehow began to unclaim my lands, yes unclaim my lands, not through siege, because it didn’t give me the “siege has begun message”. Yet as I looked in livemap, in horror, I began to see my claims dissapear, and they began grieving my base. They killed me once after they flew to my base, yet I fought them off and ran to seek cover at Sabeeh’s along with Tim, for they were now rapidly flying across the map to Tim’s base. ( I was tracking them on LiveMap ) I know this seems far fetched, but I swear it with every ounce of honour in me! I honostly hope that someone begins to take these guys seriously, what actions have been taken against the Hattawis? A warning? Is a warning enough to stop them from hacking? Nay, they seem to have stopped even trying to cleverly disguise their hacks, as they have seen the administrative staff has done nearly nothing. So I ask you, how much longer will they be permitted to go about this?

    Thank you for your time.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    I tell you this is true. All of it.

    Alex Lazescu
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    I will be shocked beyond any human recognition if you do not ban them after this. Honestly, what better proof do you need, its a confession!!!!



    Also, will we be getting our stuff back that has been lost due to the Hattawi’s using hacks?

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    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    If this ain’t enough proof, I don’t know what is :/

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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