Regarding invisibility and /near

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Regarding invisibility and /near

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  • #82183
    • Topics: 15
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    Instead of just nerfing a beloved feature, I see this as a great opportunity to add another custom brew. A brew that makes the player totally  invisible to /near.

    Instead of a very cheap brew (invisibility), trumping a server supporting cash payer, lets add a custom brew. This will add content, stimulate the economy,  and make people apply a small amount of effort (aka) play.


    May I suggest the following.

    Name- “Ninjas Shadow”

    Brew- 3-5 potions of invisibility

    3-9 sea lanterns

    1 ink sac

    Distill 1 time

    Age 1 year

    Hints. 3-5 potions of vanish, 3-9 ocean glows, 1 Sac of darkness. Brought to a boil. Left in the dark for a earth cycle.


    Thanks. Hope this adds content to the server.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Hello Mike/Ninja.

    Its a community vote, those are the only 2 options in the plugin, so its one or the other, the survey was created as another player requested that there be a communtiy vote on it, So I bought a plugin specifically to host a survey to get this opinion resolved by the community.

    It is not possible to magically combine one brew from one plugin, to a very specific feature of another, your brew is sadly not technically possible without incredible amount of work creating a bespoke plugin.

    I can see the results, nobody else can yet, as its not finihsed.

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