[Recruitment] Piratequest

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    Cleared up


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    Cleared up

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    Can we get a forum mod to clean this up? Fake applications are annoying…

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

    Crazy Pirate
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    Cleared up all the fake applications, ‘cept Chamberlains; his sorta has a right to be there.

    Shane Willis
    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 4

    1. What your in game name?

    2. How long have you played Piratecraft?
    Only a couple days.

    3. What  is your current rank?

    4. Who are you currently aligned with?
    No one.

    5. Have you been involved with drama? (Have you pissed anyone off)

    6. Whats your in real life name (Optional)
    Shane (Would prefer to leave last name out…)

    7. What is your favorite color?

    8. What timezone are you in?

    9. Do you  use Skype, teamspeak or discord?
    I am not currently on it, but if I have a reason to I will. I have used Skype and Teamspeak before, just haven’t had the need to on this server yet.

    10. List your skills
    I’m a good shot with a bow, as well as good at melee combat. I have not had much naval experience in this game, but I have in other similar games so I think it should transfer over fairly well. I’m also good at hunting people down and using redstone.

    11. List things needed to improve
    I need to work on my building skills, I’m not terrible but no one looks at my house and is impressed. I could use more practice with using potions in combat as well. Also, like I said I do not have much naval experience in Minecraft, so I would like to change that.

    12. Why do you want to join Piratequest?
    I want to join Piratequest because I am looking for a crew that enjoys PVP just as much as I do, and this crew seems to be exactly what I’m looking for. Piratequest is a very strong and powerful crew that I hope I can help to get even more powerful.

    13. Do you promise to stay loyal through trying times and all hardships?
    Absolutely. I have no problem fighting on the losing side of a battle.

    14. Why should we choose you?
    You should choose me because I am good at PVP and I believe I have a lot to offer Piratequest. I am a good person to work with (I like to think so at least) and I have been playing Minecraft for a very long time, so I know pretty much everything there is to know about the game.

    15. On a scale of 1-10 how well do you know the server and game mechanics?
    A solid 8. Like I said I understand pretty much all the game mechanics, it’s just a couple of the server plug-ins that I need to learn more about. That being said, I’m a quick learner so I expect to have them mastered soon.

    16. Will you treat allies with respect and not piss them off?
    Of course.

    17. Add anything you feel to add
    Thank you for reading this!

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    The above application has been accepted. Welcomme to the crew 😀

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 19
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    1. Raven228

    2. 37.5 days literally but over a year now

    3. Gunner but one day away from being boatswain

    4. Not in a crew at the moment, but friends with Pennsylvania_ and Galaxy219

    5. Yes a fair amount, generally I piss off Astrobolt but that’s not too difficult, I put cocaine in chests when bored, and I got 1 day temp ban for trolling the server when bored

    6. Seth

    7. blue

    8. Eastern Standard Time

    9.  I use Skype and if need be, Teamspeak

    10. Can get lots of resources, building, and diplomacy ( I can get god armor, pots and swords but I’m not the best at using them in combat )

    11. Pvp but I’m getting a better gaming pc for Christmas so that may help and not picking fights with random people

    12. I want to join Piratequest because it looks like a really good crew to be a part of and I want to pounce on it, the people in it are pretty nice, I don’t think Jusa or Smokey really likes me but hey now I can make new friends

    13. Yeah, plus last crew I was in, I did some espionage for them and got good info so yeah I’ll be loyal

    14. You should choose me because I’m an experienced Pirate Craft player, fought good ole COV in the fun days of Pirate Craft, I know my way around, I’m beneficial when it comes to supplies, and I actually play on the server, like I should be on almost everyday unlike some of those new players

    15. I would honestly say 8.9 like I really know what I’m doing, hardest thing ever was building one of those moving bridges though, they sucked

    16. Yes to be part of this crew I will not troll or piss off any of our allies

    17. *this is for Jusa* I’m happy to contribute to your collection!

    - Raven228
    Hey everyone Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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    1. Raven228 2. 37.5 days literally but over a year now 3. Gunner but one day away from being boatswain 4. Not in a crew at the moment, but friends with Pennsylvania_ and Galaxy219 5. Yes a fair amount, generally I piss off Astrobolt but that’s not too difficult, I put cocaine in chests when bored, and I got 1 day temp ban for trolling the server when bored 6. Seth 7. blue 8. Eastern Standard Time 9. I use Skype and if need be, Teamspeak 10. Can get lots of resources, building, and diplomacy ( I can get god armor, pots and swords but I’m not the best at using them in combat ) 11. Pvp but I’m getting a better gaming pc for Christmas so that may help and not picking fights with random people 12. I want to join Piratequest because it looks like a really good crew to be a part of and I want to pounce on it, the people in it are pretty nice, I don’t think Jusa or Smokey really likes me but hey now I can make new friends 13. Yeah, plus last crew I was in, I did some espionage for them and got good info so yeah I’ll be loyal 14. You should choose me because I’m an experienced Pirate Craft player, fought good ole COV in the fun days of Pirate Craft, I know my way around, I’m beneficial when it comes to supplies, and I actually play on the server, like I should be on almost everyday unlike some of those new players 15. I would honestly say 8.9 like I really know what I’m doing, hardest thing ever was building one of those moving bridges though, they sucked 16. Yes to be part of this crew I will not troll or piss off any of our allies 17. *this is for Jusa* I’m happy to contribute to your collection!



    I’m fine with it.

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

    • Topics: 5
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    IGN: jat972

    How long you played piratecraft?: 2 months

    Rank: Cadet

    Aligned Players: 2 brewers, I mean nothing to their towns.

    Drama related stuff: Nah

    Whats your favorite color: Red

    Timezone: Central

    Skype/Discord: nah

    List Your Skills: Navigation, brewing, scouting, building

    Why you want to join: Fellow starquestian, came here for my old buds. People I know, people I can trust.

    Promise to stay loyal through all hardships: Hail yes, never give up on Java and JUSA.

    Why should we choose you: I can brew cheap and easy regen pots, heal pots. I can also navigate pretty well.

    Scale of 1-15, how well do you know the mechanics? 14/15

    Will you treat you allies with respect and not piss em off?: yep, you should have saw SOY.

    Add anything you want: Nothing to add

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    So do I jut give leadership to @chamberlain1 ?

    • Topics: 42
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    @godsdead ……………………..no

    Chamberlain’s app is denied

    @jat972 your application is under review and you will be notified when a decision within 1-7 days

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 4
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    1. lites59

    2. about a year

    3. currently sailor but donate often to captain

    4. TXO

    5. yes an admin but that topic is now closed

    6. red

    7. eastern timezone

    8. teamspeak, but sometimes skype

    9. I have skills with a bow, defending people and blowing things up 😛

    10. my pvp needs improvement, same goes for my building skills

    11. because I like the players that are in it and I like the fact that they are active

    12. I promise to stay loyal through trying times and all hardships

    13.  because I am ready to risk my life to defend or even save the life of one of my crewmembers. and I am very loyal to my crew

    14. I would say 7.5

    15. I swear I will treat all allies with respect and not piss them off

    16. I have nothing to add.

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