Recruiting new staff

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    Alvanos Morvothril
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    I might apply after I change back to Hades since everyone hates Circe 🙁

    ~Dark Elf King of the Ebonheart Empire~

    "I don’t recall using teleportation. Yet there I was. Alone. Naked."
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    I also applied for builder, I hope I am recruited so I can express my feelings in buildings and show others what a little Keto can do!

    I believe we can all do something special :3

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Well you would’ve had someone that understands 90% of the plugins you use, but no you banned that one :3

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    EmperorSalt im

    pretty sure this forum thread is meant for active piratecraft players…

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    Wait, who is this salt kid? And when was he banned? Does he just read the forums and tries to guilt trip everyone?

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
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    He’s basically another jetty man lol

    Founder of the Coalition

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    im curious about the helper position when you get around to it, Gods. I do want to learn more about it after you get that set up 🙂 till then, gl to those that have applied ^-^/

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    im curious about the helper position when you get around to it, Gods. I do want to learn more about it after you get that set up ? till then, gl to those that have applied ^-^/

    I havent put much thought into it, it would just be a more stripped down and limited commodore I think, so it would limit temp mutes to 30 mins max, no tempbans, jail cell time limit too to a cell that the player cant be harmed. Maybe a custom warp area for helping players? I think once we get that warp east up and running as a tutorial island it might be a good location, adding a help chat channel to help out people, so they dont get drowned in chat that only helpers+ can invite people into help and kick them out when they are done. Im thinking it would be a second inherited rank, so visually They might have a different badge or something. any other ideas?

    Wait, who is this salt kid? And when was he banned? Does he just read the forums and tries to guilt trip everyone?

    This “Lew” Salt turd, got himself banned for being rude and nasty, best friends with SeconDeath. They created a rip off copy of PirateCraft, caused a ton of drama, and this Lew made up a ton of bullcrap lies and Drama to try and slander me, he convinced secondeath I was the devil and they both ended up getting banned. Long story short Lew was using Secondeath for his own personal gains (last I heard), it was a pointless shitstorm that never needed to happen, caused by Lew creating lies and drama, Its been long done and over with until he popped his arrogant face into the forums just now, so lets ban the slug and lets not talk a word about it, as its not worth the typing. -Case closed, do not take the conversation off track.-

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    im curious about the helper position when you get around to it, Gods. I do want to learn more about it after you get that set up ? till then, gl to those that have applied ^-^/

    I havent put much thought into it, it would just be a more stripped down and limited commodore I think, so it would limit temp mutes to 30 mins max, no tempbans, jail cell time limit too to a cell that the player cant be harmed. Maybe a custom warp area for helping players? I think once we get that warp east up and running as a tutorial island it might be a good location, adding a help chat channel to help out people, so they dont get drowned in chat that only helpers+ can invite people into help and kick them out when they are done. Im thinking it would be a second inherited rank, so visually They might have a different badge or something. any other ideas?

    Wait, who is this salt kid? And when was he banned? Does he just read the forums and tries to guilt trip everyone?

    This “Lew” Salt turd, got himself banned for being rude and nasty, best friends with SeconDeath. They created a rip off copy of PirateCraft, caused a ton of drama, and this Lew made up a ton of bullcrap lies and Drama to try and slander me, he convinced secondeath I was the devil and they both ended up getting banned. Long story short Lew was using Secondeath for his own personal gains (last I heard), it was a pointless shitstorm that never needed to happen, caused by Lew creating lies and drama, Its been long done and over with until he popped his arrogant face into the forums just now, so lets ban the slug and lets not talk a word about it, as its not worth the typing. -Case closed, do not take the conversation off track.-

    ughhhhhhh, I’ve been banned a few times, what are the conditions for this umm, tinier commodore, because I’ll try and I know how to track out #rood people, because they’re all #rood to me 😀

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

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    There is so many things wrong with your reply.. What happened to quitting anyways?

    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

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    Well good luck with all your applications, its always nice to see new faces in the staff team 😉

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    I havent put much thought into it, it would just be a more stripped down and limited commodore I think, so it would limit temp mutes to 30 mins max, no tempbans, jail cell time limit too to a cell that the player cant be harmed. Maybe a custom warp area for helping players? I think once we get that warp east up and running as a tutorial island it might be a good location, adding a help chat channel to help out people, so they dont get drowned in chat that only helpers+ can invite people into help and kick them out when they are done. Im thinking it would be a second inherited rank, so visually They might have a different badge or something. any other ideas?


    I do like this. personally, Commodor is a bit much for me to want to apply, but this helper rank so far (even though it is just pondering thought) seems like a good step down from Commodor rank. I do like helping players out when possible. tempmutes with a  limit will at least help with the spammers that don’t listen when told to stfu. limited jail time is also helpful, for when they don’t pay attention to chat. sadly you cant pm while in jail, but what about the help channel? if you could talk to a jailed player through that to not clutter main chat. and as for a badge, what about a purple badge? least a new color if helpers wouldn’t get a full name color change.


    other than all that rambling, I am still interested in the helper rank even from the suggestions you listed 🙂 ^-^/

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    I do like this. personally, Commodor is a bit much for me to want to apply, but this helper rank so far (even though it is just pondering thought) seems like a good step down from Commodor rank. I do like helping players out when possible. tempmutes with a limit will at least help with the spammers that don’t listen when told to stfu. limited jail time is also helpful, for when they don’t pay attention to chat. sadly you cant pm while in jail, but what about the help channel? if you could talk to a jailed player through that to not clutter main chat. and as for a badge, what about a purple badge? least a new color if helpers wouldn’t get a full name color change. other than all that rambling, I am still interested in the helper rank even from the suggestions you listed

    No this is exactly it, A helper rank that does not put any pressure on, no standing out colors to have people badgering you etc, but has some abilities to actually mute someone if they have just come on to spam or something, keep the server tidy. You should be able to PM while in jail, if not I can change that. The help channel I havnet looked at yet, channels is built into our chat plugin, I just need to sit and have a play with it, I assume itll just be /join channelname, I want to ask the dev to add an invite system, so then peopole can only be invited in, so it dousnt get missused.

    Do feel free to splash out ideas for a helper rank, this is a forum thread about staff ranks, so its kind of fitting.

    As for the main staff pick-out procedure we are reading through everyone’s entries and haven’t replied to anyone yet, but we have a rough idea of who we would like to join the team so far. Please do remember that this will always be open for people to apply.


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