Real Estate & Economy

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  • #433
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    Im playing with the idea of installing a Real Estate plugin for users to be able to buy/sell/lease claimed land, the problem with this is that it relies on an Economy system, we have a very basic one at present, the problem with Economy systems is that they can be very easily gamed, the money has to come form somewhere aswell.
    I would like the communities thoughts about Economy and an alternative way to improve gameplay?

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    could you run a lease that you had to put an item into a sign thst the landlord has made to lease.
    for example

    make a small house,
    subdivide the claim,
    create sign
    set sign to lease at 1 iron for 24hrs
    insert 10 iron and the person placing the iron gets the lease for 10 days after that,
    once the original lease has run its course, “landlord” would have to collect rent( the iron) from the sign before anyone else could rent it.

    i can see this would be very difficult but a suggestion none-the-less

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    It sounds possible, But not with existing plugins, I have asked the developers for something along these lines already to implement into the “Real Estate” plugin, alas no reply.
    A “Lease” does not work in the conventional sense of renting land, the plugin describes this as only a method to show that you’re buying a sub-divide and not the main plot, so admins will still have full access over the plot, you know how to set a plot for Lease/sale right?
    Just put a sign in the plot with [RE] on the first line and a price on the second for ingame currency, Each new player has $50, you could make rows of cheaply made houses and put each one up for $50, you can evict people if they leave by just using the usual GP perms if its a sub-division.

    Dark Guard
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    Hello Gods from 5 years ago.

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    I have an idea! When I was messing around with plugins for my personal (private) server, I found this plugin that’s meant to work with the sign shops one… it works basically the same way the sign shops one does, but it allows you to purchase perm for a door… I’m not sure if it’ll work because it’s meant for renting hotel rooms but I’ll give you the link.

    This is the account for SpikyCactus’ old username; Gamer_2105. It has been abandoned.

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    This is called “Necroing a post” brining a post back from the dead, my god post from 2013! @Gamer2105 We already have tested Signshop-hotel! its the same author as our shop plugin, we tested it live, maybe 4 years ago? It ended up being pointless, it only gave the use of a door, which you could made activate via a redstone pay sign anyway.

    It ended up being easier to just use subclaims and collecting rent.

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