PSA: Minecraft 1.14

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    Gods why not just skip 1.13 and move to 1.14

    1.14 isn’t the problem, with 1.13 the entire backend code changed which broke most plugins, most will be replaced and are updated now but will still need the 5+ years of data for these plugins converted for the 130k players that have joined.
    Most servers get around this by just resetting everything, these are lazy server owners that cant be arsed to save your hard work, fook these people, I will at least try and save it.
    Why you cant just move from 1.12.2 to 1.14: 1.13 changed how the world data is saved, then 1.14 did this again, so we have to move to 1.13 first (Very briefly) before moving to 1.14 which shouldn’t be that big of an update (From the backend point of view).

    Imagine every single update from Minecraft 1.0 – 1.12 all rolled into one, that was the 1.13 breaking changes update, not much on the surface but everything behind it.

    So when Im talking about upgrading, I will be using the wording “Upgrade to 1.13” as that is technically what we will need to be doing first, then the move to 1.14 should be easy enough (hopefully)

    When? When I have time. Since Dec 2018 my IRL life got SUPER busy, I have had some changes IRL that have taken up all my time and only have a spare ~1 a day to dedicate to PirateCraft, which at present is mostly spent just replying to people asking me questions.

    Don’t worry, it will happen, just don’t wind me up asking when.

    • I have updated the protocol hack to allow the 1.14 clients to connect to the 1.12.2 server.
    • Its still best to continue to use the 1.12.2 client.

    Please join our Discord for live chats and testing 1.13!

    • Topics: 47
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    Yes yes yes yes yes.

    He he sorry over excited. This is wonderful news. Im sure the piratecraft community is greatly appreciative of your time and effort into saving our world as it is the only thing we know. Ha ha joking but for reals a shout out to the server owner for taking the time and effort to make the transition of updates easier on us all.

    Thank you GodsDead from an appreciative player

    Sincerely, VladDracul

    P.S You Rock


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