Post your known glitches so they can be fixed

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    So I’ve been putting this off for some time. Every once in awhile i’ll notice a glitch that needs fixing and then I will promptly forget about it so I am making this thread so I and anyone else who wants to can update it on the spot when they notice a glitch that is annoying or needs fixed because it is an exploit.

    First of on the list will be a couple ships glitches
    1. Sometimes while sailing your ship will randomly just stop and none of the signs will work at all and the only way to fix it is to do /release and the re control it. This becomes a big problem when it happens next to a dock or some other material the ship can bond with.

    2. This next one is rather annoying and though I know you said that there was no problem with it in your test world Godsy I know it is still a problem in the main world. Basically when a piloted ship is burnt or blown up it will not sink. I have gone as far as to blow up every block but one of a ship and i could still sail it with commands and a hoe. Well until glitch #1 happened. Literally the only way to sink a ship at the moment is to take shears or your fist and break all the wool.

    Next will be just a few general glitches/bugs i’ve noticed

    1. so recently since you updated and added the sorting plugin there has been a problem with people getting stuck on certain blocks like doors, anvils, chest, trapdoors, etc. when you get stuck on it of course you move to the side and go past. the problem is the game doesn’t read you as moving past now…so though you are seeing you moving past and doing stuff everyone else sees you as just standing there. At first i thought it was just me but then I realized it was happening to everyone in my crew. It makes it almost impossible to get through a door fast enough when being chased and is quite annoying. This bug showed up in the last month or so if that helps any.

    Hmm I know i had more but can’t think of them at the moment

    Raise your glasses, raise them high. Draw your swords, stand or die!

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    I recommend against posting glitches in the forums.  Glitches are usually problems with the core game or the plugins, neither of which staff has the ability to fix.  Staff can notify the developers, but glitches can still be abused while the developers fix the issue (supposing the developers care to fix it at all).

    The best thing to do is to message staff directly about glitches, not post them publicly where everyone can see.

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    I recommend against posting glitches in the forums. Glitches are usually problems with the core game or the plugins, neither of which staff has the ability to fix. Staff can notify the developers, but glitches can still be abused while the developers fix the issue (supposing the developers care to fix it at all). The best thing to do is to message staff directly about glitches, not post them publicly where everyone can see.


    None of these glitches seem to be capable of being abused for one player’s benefit intentionally…

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    Your issues sound like Network lag (the ship and getting stuck on blocks).

    AS for the ship sinking, the ships NEED to be piloted to be sunk, otherwise there are just normal blocks in minecraft.

    • Topics: 17
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    I recommend against posting glitches in the forums. Glitches are usually problems with the core game or the plugins, neither of which staff has the ability to fix. Staff can notify the developers, but glitches can still be abused while the developers fix the issue (supposing the developers care to fix it at all). The best thing to do is to message staff directly about glitches, not post them publicly where everyone can see.

    None of these glitches seem to be capable of being abused for one player’s benefit intentionally…

    The title of the thread is “Post your known glitches so they can be fixed.”  My intent was only to caution those who might post in the future.

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