plugin request

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  • #2742
    • Topics: 4
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    i would like to suggest 2 plugins

    the first one is the towny plugin: website   bukkit forums :

    the second plugin is MCmmo : bukkit forums :


    Ships are safe in port, but thats not what ships are made for

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    Neither of these will be added, We use griefprevention, there is no need for towny, its overcomplicated for such a small server.

    Ive tried and tested mcmmo for years and hate it, If we were to use it, it would need complete nerfing, it conflicts with a few other plugins too.

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    We need a pets plugin!

    • Topics: 794
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    One that dousnt crash the server would be nice! For now, what about being able to buy a wolf from the cove?

    • Topics: 16
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    sure wolfs are good for now until we find a plugin 😉

    Henry Louie
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    Thanks for your suggestion. To response, I recommend you the great online game called papa’s pizzeria which is an exciting cooking game. Let’s show your making-pizza skills.

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