Plot & Script writers wanted for a PirateCraft themed video animation!

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Plot & Script writers wanted for a PirateCraft themed video animation!

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  • #63292
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    We have the opportunity for an amazing PirateCraft animation video to be made and need your help for a plot/scripts!

    Black Plasma Studios @KnightofDoom is looking to make a PirateCraft themed animation for their YouTube channel, I have created #pirate_animation_ideas on discord as well as this forum thread for you to come up with plot/script ideas for a pirate themed video! Sometimes ideas get lost in discord, and I wanted to make sure we have a permanent location to also post your ideas.

    We are looking for creative ideas for a plot or script (if you can write) for a Pirate themed Animation to be created by @KnightofDoom.

    Their YouTube Channel it would be on:

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