Piston conflict

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    I’ve seen that a piston is needed to lock a ship not sure exactly how that works, is the piston that locks the ship part of the ship and if so is it any piston that will lock it or a specifically designated piston. I ask because when I build steam ships I build them with real life quality to include boilers coal bunkers and engines all functional so I need to know to make sure that my engines wont mess with the system.

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    guess ill go with engines that are purely decorational, thanks for the clarification.

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    might as well save creating a thread for each and every question.

    i see a barge is a type of ship that can be built, would that also mean its possible to push a ship with another ship like in the sense of a tugboat pushing multiple barges down a river?

    with a tugboat in mind is it also possible to tow other ships?

    ik ive got many questions, ive red all the guides and they help but sometimes i need more indepth detail so i can fully grasp what i can/cannot do, thank you for your patience.

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    When the sign for the ship size (eg Indiaman, Galleon, brig) is used, it will check for DOUBLE_CHEST, PISTON, and PISTON_HEAD (including sticky pistons). If this is =true, the ship will stay locked, and you will get the message ‘Ship is locked with XX block’.



    No, sadly not. Barges are largely used by players who want trains or automated transport, as you only have to add coal and they will automatically sail. There aren’t a huge amount out there; probably the least used ship size.

    Sailing multiple ships:

    If you want to transport several ships at once, simply connect the two ships with any blocks that are allowed on ships (for example wool blocks). This will make the overall ‘craft’ larger and will require a new sign to be made reflecting the ship size.

    For example: if you found 5 schooners near each other, connect them into one craft by either joining up the blocks or ramming into each other. You will have merged the ships together to make one giant ‘craft’. For schooners (max size 500 blocks), 5 of them would make the craft a ‘manowar’ – so I would need to place a manowar sign and sail the joined-up ships as one big ship.

    This is how people steal ships in claims – as long as the ship doesn’t have a lock block (doublechest/piston). They usually sail a small dhow with the signs [helm], ‘dhow’, and ‘manowar’ (if the ship you’re stealing is a manowar), then sail the dhow into the bigger ship, /release it, and re-pilot it as a manowar. Once you are out of the claim, players will break the small dhow (as its ugly), and they will have a new manowar to add to their collection.

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    • Topics: 6
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    ok then, so for the barge train ill just connect em solid. i wasnt thinking of stealing ships or capturing them more along the lines of helping some get theirs back to port afters its damaged or for whatever reason unable to move.

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    I was thinking about barges today.

    Could we make them quicker?

    People might find an incentive to use them, like fast(er) and smaller attack boats, which need fuel.

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    @maximus I was thinking about barges today. Could we make them quicker? People might find an incentive to use them, like fast(er) and smaller attack boats, which need fuel.

    All ship changes will happen once the updated plugin is out, nothing will change until this time, none of the bugs have been fixed since our last test period on the test server, I have been messaging the dev but he seems to have got bored so close to the finish line.

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