Hello! Some of you may know me as DrCerberus or my new IGN, MrMooshy. I am writing this forum to inform you on my lastest Plan! I intend on building something along the lines as a Piratopia or A.K.A Pirate Paradise. A safe haven for New/Old Pirates, a place where everyone can just be and not have to worry about getting blown up, shot, stabbed, strangled, ect. Know, I know there may be versions of this already on the server, but I believe we can actually build something were we can establish a forum of active community flowing in and around the Island.
Here comes the Bad News…….
Sadly, something of the scale/mass of which I and hopefully soon you, will need to accomplish will a cost a decent amount of Money. Now I know we are all Pirates and don’t like to share our Doubloons, which I 100% understand. All I’m asking if you a few Doubloons here and there, I don’t expect anything massive so I will understand the small amounts. Please comment down below if you are interested in Donating, and I will contact you IG in the near future.