piratemc.com website moved hosts!

Home Forums PirateCraft Website piratemc.com website moved hosts!

Does this new web hosting seem faster or slower to you?

As of 20th November 2020, I moved the web hosting to a new web server, From using the website before, is this new host faster or slower for you?

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  • Faster
  • Slower
  • About the same
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  • #70286
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    My previous host was a shared host, they dealt with everything related to keeping the server fast/up, but they massively increased their prices so ive had to go down the route of hosting the website myself, bit more work but the costs were astronomical what my old host was asking for, they wanted 3.5x what I originally paid up front for 3 years, oof!

    So I’ve rented anther server specifically for this website. There may be some things that stopped working, or speeds may get slower or faster, it may crash etc. If it gets laborious taking up too much time I may switch back to shared hosting where its someone elses problem, for now I pre-paid a years hosting for the website, lets hope it just works.

    As you could probably tell its quite a process moving websites, so I have quite a few projets I need to move yet, including;

    • Wiki needs moving still
    • Punishment system needs moving still
    • Tickets system needs moving
      • I may find a plugin for the main website to replace the tickets system, after having it a few years, we barely get private tickets, might be worth simplifying it.

    piratemc.com cache.

    Even though we have a MUCH more powerful server running the website over shared hosting, its erratic with its performance, it goes from super fast to super slow, I will have to learn more about this over time. For now, I have installed a cache for the website, that caches static versions of the website on the web server itself, but also creates caches on your browser so its not having to pull from the web server constantly, so if you experience the map getting stuck in a loop when its updated, or posts not showing, try emptying your local cache, but also report it! So I know! Its currently set to 24h browser cache.


    Anna Supova
    • Topics: 0
    • Replies: 11
    • Total: 11

    I understand that it was a difficult decision, but you handled it very well.

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