PirateCrafts maintenance & Upgrade to 1.18

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  • #78109
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    The server is currently under maintenance, bare with the team please! Thank you!

    There was a serious exploit found by the Minecraft community last night that effected every client  server version of Minecraft.

    This exploit allows anyone to run code on your computer/server.


    I highly recommend for your personal safety to close Minecraft and update your launcher by restarting your game and launcher as Mojang already patched it client side.
    It may be safe to be wary of where you play unless you know the servers patched too.

    After checking logs this morning, I’m not content that we weren’t compromised. So for the sake of being sure, the team has decided with me to fully re-build the server from the ground up, but keeping the Worlds & Data for players (Don’t panic!).

    This is the most serious exploit I have seen in the 9+ years I have run PirateCraft.

    I’m going to use this downtime to upgrade PirateCraft to 1.17 (Update Jan 2022, I’ve gone directly to 1.18) this may take me a few weeks as I work full time and we are not ready or prepared for this step.
    This may entirely destroy PirateCraft with the downtime (I hope not), but I want to make sure 100% that we are safe and privacy is kept for everyone, so I don’t have any other option but to start fresh.

    Remember, never panic! I keep backups.

    All I ask is for decorum in your communication with server staff and the community during this time.

    This is extremely stressful for me, and I will not be available to answer questions on discord/forums/tickets during this time at all.

    Any Contributor time lost during the time this takes will be made up once were up and running again, don’t panic!

    Staff will be around to answer questions for the transition from 1.12 to 1.18 on our discord.

    jeremy john george
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    I’ve played like 1 week and i just love the server so i think it will be just fine when you start fresh

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    will all our items and bases be gone?

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    Nope! You won’t lose anything, that’s my process of updating, making sure data is not lost 👍

    It takes a lot longer than what most Minecraft servers do which is just wipe, not my ethos!


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    Honestly Gods, I think its incredible you’re willing to put all the effort into keeping players data & items – but it would save you, and the entire team, a huge amount of time away from life & family during the holidays & life in general if PMC were to just reset or have a nearly full reset.

    A reset (or nearly full reset) would motivate a lot of former players to return, and really motivate a lot of the community to do much greater things especially with a “new world” with the amazing new features in 1.17 and features before.

    With villagers being removed, a lot players including some of the wealthiest players are already hit hard – I feel that a transition to a new world, with new data, could be extremely beneficial for the community including the veterans. Perhaps if this were the path taken, Veterans (or extremely wealthy players, whether with Event items or currency) could be rewarded with extremely rare features or noble tags & such in appreciation.

    And if this was even slightly in consideration – perhaps a community poll or vote would be a great idea.

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    I love you hugs but I can only imagine the fury, rage, anger, frustration, devastation, sadness, depression that would yell at gods face “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE” after re-opening the server after a full reset.

    Not a good idea lol also it’s not gods way of doing things as he mentioned earlier.


    Sincerely Tulips

    - Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft

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    It wouldn’t even need to be a world reset to evoke rage, just losing a pet entity would do that haha

    Ive talked in the past about a no teleport server that resets with custom world gen, that’s still the plan for hardcore vets, but that’s way way in the future, we have quite a lot of work ahead with just converting Minecraft versions!

    Still going, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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    Is world expansion (Nether/Overworld) a possibility with this update to enjoy the new features?

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    Godsy will expand the map size after 1.18 release + a regen team for parts of the current world that are not already claimed.


    Dark Guard
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    Will shop rent time also be updated(by delaying expiration)?



    Josué Giovanuci
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    Any predictions for the return of the server? I’ve never played it but I’m really looking forward to seeing such mechanics. I’ve never seen anything like it

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    It appears the 1.17 world is fully loaded, we’re getting closer boys! Hype, hype, hype

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    Any predictions for the return of the server? I’ve never played it but I’m really looking forward to seeing such mechanics. I’ve never seen anything like it

    As soon as I can bud 👍

    It appears the 1.17 world is fully loaded, we’re getting closer boys! Hype, hype, hype

    ha you noticed! That was done day 1, never the issue, the time is updating/fixing/replacing plugins! ha But yeah, Fixing the live map was one of the jobs.

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    I like the idea of no teleporting with items. That way you can still visit people, but it really limits how much stuff you can move without ships. Transport ships could be profitable and that would also encourage raiding peoples ships. A true pirate life! Also just super excited for when PMC comes back!

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    Its a cool thought but the problem is that no teleporting with items would be very very hated.

    1-lets just say you want to go and sell some hard earned items you worked for, knowing that people do that, outside of shops, people would set up some kind of camps, waiting for you to arrive. It would cause a lot more problems for staff because people are unhappy, could be avoided if the attackers are stupid though.

    2-Its a massive hassle. Having to put all items away before tping would just be hated, it would likely make teleporting useless as no one would use it.

    3-it also adds many risks, losing resources, money, time, buildings etc etc

    Overall, cool thought, adds more realism and less command/staff operation. But it would be HATED (Or so I believe)


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