PirateCraft Minecraft 1.9 Master Thread

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  • #30055
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    how would we make the custiom brew that happens to require a god apple…. (not telling the recipie)

    Head of Wizard_Inc
    If you don't ask, No one will do.

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    with the removal of god apples, all the brews that require them, and the blackfire pots would have to be removed/reworked.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    The Queen
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    Agreed,  bring back the skill in pvp

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    GodsDead With this new update can you make it so the hitting fatigue is disabled?

    Crazy Pirate
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    GodsDead With this new update can you make it so the hitting fatigue is disabled?

    No! Jesus, no! We want to move away from spam based combat; this is the entire point of 1.9!

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    Well looks like they missed their “due date”, no surprise there really!

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    cap, the dragon did a seismic toss on me as I was pillaring up and threw me at least 40-50 blocks into the air @_@ I managed to save myself by throwing a pearl downwards. the pearl landed before I did. I took a couple gaps with me into the fight, but I only needed to use them when I got swarmed with angry endermen. if gaps do get removed, a downside will be you cant use them in PvE. like getting swarmed with angry endermen…. those things are evil, I swear they got even faster and stronger.

    you saw me a week ago, dying with all the endermen, little savages.


    Alex H.
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    Umm i can’t join into the server for some reason…is there a new server?

    It says 1.8 bungge cord or something like that

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    Look at the image to see how I started 1.9! 😀


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    GodsDead the chorus plant shouldn’t exist at all on PirateMC if u do not want them. I mean since their only found by traveling to the End we don’t even need to bother because the End is restricted. Also the chorus fruit design is too effective, Players can tp to places private, like a secret vault or a castle.

    Emperor of Rohan

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    Alex H the server hasnt updated to 1.9 yet, and wont for a couple months, you need to go into ur profile on the minecraft startup page and make sure ur running some form of 1.8 to play on the server.



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    the chorus fruit/plant is actually needed to create the new purpur blocks. by cooking chorus fruit and making it popped chorus fruit it becomes an item you can use to craft the new purple blocks found in the end cities/dungeons. so the complete removal of the item means very limited amounts of the new blocks. that would make me sads 🙁

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    very sad that mojang didnt fix the fishing rod+sword combo before releasing 1.9, it still buggy 🙁



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    As you know, the 3 Elytra wings have been found. You may also know that Gildor has already lost his haha. So this leaves 2 Elytra wings remaining on the entire server. I hope you all agree when I say we absolutely need an alternative way to obtain them. I like the idea of Elytra being rare but these 2 remaining Elytra will never been seen or used as they’re too rare to risk losing, basically they have become 2 rare unusable artifacts. Elytra wings are fun! We want them to become part of the server but with this little amount left, they simply won’t be seen.

    The suggestion of trading god apples for them was a great suggestion, this would encourage people to dispose of their unfair advantage in exchange for a new fun feature that we want to see people using.

    We could also have them as a donation reward..

    Another suggestion is being able to buy them for 5k – 10k in game money..

    What does everyone think?

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

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