PirateCraft Minecraft 1.9 Master Thread

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    If the world borders expand, will they feature the new 1.8 stone types? I also desperately hope that we’ll be lucky enough to get at least one ice biome generated!

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    Ooh what if a God Apple could be traded in for a good random custom potion with reasonable perks but not as OP as the God apples. Or we could just trade them in for God blocks but because of the apples now being useless, there doesn’t seem much use of gold blocks except for decoration.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    @godsdead I would assume the first “dimension” of The End will, of course, be reset as said but will retain the same small world border around it. But when the end gateway is activated, and a player teleports to the next “dimension” that has many many islands, will the world border be just as small? If so I kind of feel as this would be a problem, as generation of the rare end cities or end ships would be very scarce. That would limit the glorious loot that everyone wants to a very small amount, probably leading to fights over it and such (which I’m sure will happen either way no matter how much loot there is total). I’m hoping that the second world border will be much larger than it’s single-islanded counterpart. And if you do plan on making it larger, hopefully a similar size to the overworld or nether, might I ask how large it may be?

    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭

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    @PaulOnFire Yup, new lands means new terrain is generated, using the 1.9 engine so 1.8 terrain, we may get lucky! the map is originally from 1.7, if not I was thinking about actually pasting in an entire ice biome island, like a giant one. I am looking into ordining off part of the map and regenerating it in giant chunks, based in regions, I can delete the mca region files and the land then gets regenerated, but with the homes/claims etc in there, I need to make sure I dont wipe out any bases, I need to mark this up on the map first.

    I have covered the wings in the first post I made, please read it.

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    @OfficialRS actually the gold is still very useful.  Invis pots, Crapples, Health Pots, Black Fire, all use gold or golden fruit.  I’d be </span>surprised if you wouldn’t get more for your gapple getting the gold back than just a few pots.  The 72 bars of gold go a very long way in all other recipes.

    I frankly can’t wait for 1.9, in fact I’ve intentionally avoided most PvP in 1.8 and prior and hope to see that change.

    On the subject of the End and claims I like the idea of not claiming the central island, but still allow claiming in the void and the islands.  I hope we can make a really big end so there are enough islands for all who want them.

    Elytra are still going to be a supply problem.  I’m hoping we will make a custom crafting recipe for them rather than assigning an arbitrary cost in currency.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

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    Oh i like the idea of an crafting recipe for elytra. Maybe use the (still rare and valuable ) gapples in the recipe and give gapples away at events and rare loot.

    that way we could maybe solve the problem of both, but idk what you think of it

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    Just realised removing gapples entirely also removes the ability to craft notch banners. Deactivating their effects definitely seems the best way forward for the future of the server, this will be a sensational update indeed!

    Elytras could be the prize for coming in the top 3 in BOTM and ship building competitions! That would definitely increase the interest in participating. 🙂

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    Gapples are an odd topic. Although I’m one of the people who hate them and think 8 gold blocks is completely wasted on this, there is the other side, the people who have actually used them on this server. I’m sure that at least one person is unhappy with this update and I’m gonna just state a load of points.

    1. No endless battles.

    2. No flipping 1v6 and the winner is the 1 guy because he has a ton of gaps, unless your Bruce Lee or something that shouldn’t be possible.

    3. Not as many underdogs losing battles against the big kids.

    4. It will become more reliant on skill.

    5. It will make you save gold.

    6. Remove half the challenge for somebody to kill someone like Chamberlain or something.

    Thanks for listening! (If you’re not persuaded that’s your own fault)


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    Now for part 2 of my 1.9 questions!

    Is the Elytra gonna drop if I shoot it down? Doesn’t the Elytra give a REALLY unfair advantage to those who’s bases are more like Empires with no roofs? Make a monthly/yearly lottery for it. I think then we would see barely any flying then, because I know I would wanna keep my extraordinary wings.


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    my favourite part is the “if your not persuaded its your own fault” that part I cracked

    Alex H.
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    Will there also be more events coming up…like not only the Halloween and the Christmas one…

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    hehe Block the exp into battle was exactly what i was thinking of doing :3

    and cysteen when i fought the ender dragon in 1.9, my pearl landed inside the iron bars of the end crystal o-o so when i tried to mine out i punched the end crystal by mistake and blew myself up XD



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    cap, the dragon did a seismic toss on me as I was pillaring up and threw me at least 40-50 blocks into the air @_@ I managed to save myself by throwing a pearl downwards. the pearl landed before I did. I took a couple gaps with me into the fight, but I only needed to use them when I got swarmed with angry endermen. if gaps do get removed, a downside will be you cant use them in PvE. like getting swarmed with angry endermen…. those things are evil, I swear they got even faster and stronger.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    the only thing really getting removed is the resistance buff most pvpers will just carry around a invo full of regen pots now

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    People using the Elytra should be easier to kill, since they have to remove their chest plate in order to fly with it so… This will be passed around the server a lot lol- and there’s no gapples to protect those fortunate of having the Elytra.



    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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