PirateCraft Minecraft 1.9 Master Thread
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- This topic has 73 replies, 27 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago by
February 22, 2016 at 11:12 pm #29845
So we don’t have a flood on the forums of messages about Minecraft 1.9, please ask any questions you have in here.
There are a few people will want to know so lets crack those out first.
Minecraft 1.9 is the Combat Update, its planned release is in 3 days, Thursday, February 25, 2016.
Edit: Release date moved to the 29th https://twitter.com/seargedp/status/702073074175365120
Whats changing? planned changes: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/1.9
Will PirateCraft map reset to a new map?
No, we like history here, no map resetting. 1.9 has no overworld terrain changes.
What about The End world? I want the Elytra Wings!
The end will be completely reset, so if you have anything there, you have a few months to move it before we delete the entire end world, I will give you all fair warning before I do this.
Elytra Wings?
Im not sure how we are going to deal with these yet, obviously if they are only generated in The End in the “End Ships” we are going to have to figure out another really hard way to obtain them, im sure there will be a flood on plugins to deal with this issue on servers.
Chorus fruit
I don’t like the idea of these, here is the description
Teleports the player to a random nearby location when eaten (like an enderman).
Which means people randomly teleporting through walls, into vaults etc, I’ve already asked the GriefPrevention dev (About 6 months ago) to make sure these do not work with Claims, he better sort that out. If he dousnt, then we will have to disable them until he does.
Will the map Expand?
Again, there is no terrain changes, but I do plan on expanding the map, we have a tradition of expanding the map at each major upgrade in MC version.
Our current overworld border is set to 7000 from spawn, Im considering pumping this to 10,000. With expansion comes greater world sizes, which means greater backups, which all adds up, so I may have to bump it over time to see what space it takes up.
But don’t sweat this, as Very future plans include another world to be added (Not up for discussion in this thread)
God apples?
You heard right, they are being removed from being craftable in 1.9, and I do not plan on adding a custom plugin to re-create crafting of these god-damn OP apples, I haven’t thought further on how these will impact gameplay, so we may have them as prizes, or drops, Im not sure yet on how we are going to deal with them as a lot of people rely on these for PVP, please reply.
So when will this happen?
To be clear to the younger generation that may not have seen a major minecraft change, this can take 2-3 months to changeover fully, why? because the software we use to run the minecraft server is not made by mojang its made by a third party, its called Spigot, that will need to be upgraded first to work with all the new 1.9 features, now thankfully they have been really on the ball this time around and have a working build already! So we may see the fastest turn around time ever, from past experience over 3 years we have seen turn around times of 1-3 months to get a big release updated, this combat update has been the longest update in over a year! To add to that, we have to make sure all 50~ of our plugins get updated to work with the latest Spigot, Now this is where the real pain happens, as we have plugins that are no longer being developed, from developers that have quit minecraft years ago. This is where my biggest worry lies. So I cant give an ETA, but be sure to know I will be testing all our plugins as soon as Spigot 1.9 is live! Cross your fingers and hope nothing majour breaks, I will be making backups, and I we can all test everything on the dev server before we move it live to fish out any dodgy bugs the staff will miss
Go team!
February 22, 2016 at 11:23 pm #29846Maybe we can just get rid of god apples all together, then make a sign so people can trade their gaps in for the gold they’re worth. I wouldn’t want all the gold i put into a gap to go to waste :/
February 22, 2016 at 11:36 pm #29847Maybe disable the effects of the God Apple’s and let people trade them in at cove for the gold blocks, as Asterity mentioned, like we have with the gunner gun powder.
Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.
February 22, 2016 at 11:51 pm #29848i have an idea for the end-
just like now, an admin (mark maybe again lol) can claim the things that are important to respawning the end dragon (aka portal and towers) so no noob has control of the portal
maybe we can do a monthly revival of the ender dragon (perhaps make the end temporarily pvp free like halloween and christmas was) to have every1 team up on the ender dragon, and some1 walk away with the head :3
February 23, 2016 at 12:05 am #29849@CaptainCrackerz I actually left this out as its undecided, we are talking it over as staff as to whether we should just disable claiming in the end all together, the only use at present is farming endermen, and that is no good reason to keep claims on there!
February 23, 2016 at 12:12 am #29850great gapples will be removed.
but does that mean that if i have saved up gapples before they wont work, or just theres no recipe for it anymore ?February 23, 2016 at 12:17 am #29851id love to be able to fight a dragon in mc again! I haven’t been able to do that in maybe a year or so… I went onto single player to derp around in 1.9 and fight the dragon, (holy crap that thing nearly kicked my ***), lol it’s a lot of fun, and id love to be able to fight it
I was also messing around, if a player builds an end crystal, they can place it in the overworld (on bedrock or obsidian) and detonate it.
as for claiming in the end, maybe at least disable for the main island and just have it admin claimed? ive been considering building a structure or two in the end (not a farm), and id like to be able to claim it.. lol.
If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*
- Former Leader of CoV -
- A Proud Member of The Asylum-February 23, 2016 at 1:26 am #29852February 23, 2016 at 1:26 am #29853I’d totally support Asterity and ToxicKing on this, kill the Notch Apple so that they can not be consumed. Then allow a sign for them to be traded into gold (or a custom craft, whatever).
Why kill gaps? It already unbalances gameplay as is. After the migration all new players will be hard-pressed to collect gaps in order to fight those that have stockpiles of them. Even though I can currently craft them, 20 days of play time has produced only enough gold to craft 4 of them. PvE they might have made sense, PvP they are insanely OP.
"Life is not fair; get used to it."
- Bill GatesFebruary 23, 2016 at 3:18 am #29854For those who are unclear on this:
1.9 does NOT remove god apples. It only removes the crafting recipe for a god apple, and changes the buffs a bit to reflect new PvP mechanics. You can still find it in dungeons and eat any god apples you crafted in 1.8. Now, due to their rarity, 1.9 PvP will not be god apple centered. Most god fights will happen without the god apples.
Now, there can be external plugins added that disable the god apple effects, so when you eat it, it works like regular apple :P. It is doable, but it is done by use of plugins, and therefore can be configured by the server owner. It is not part of the actual minecraft 1.9 update.
That being said, I support removal of god apples and trade-in sign for 8 gold blocks at /warp cove. God apples ruined mc pvp for long enough. Time for a change!
And as someone mentioned above, the smaller end islands should be claimable. End was boring place to build at until now, but the islands will give it this extra twist that might make it interesting. Not to mention the enderman farms. Even though you can exist without them…like any other farms…farming mobs/crops/xp is part of the game. Restricting farms would make the server much less appealing to many experienced players, as those are the ones who use them the most.
Prime Minister of the British Empire
Governor of the Province of CanadaFebruary 23, 2016 at 4:41 am #29860I agree with what many of the other players are saying. Removing the god apple from pvp entirely would eliminate the unfair advantage that many of the older players have over the new players on the server. Not only would this encourage a more skill based pvp environment, it would also increase the focus on producing god armor, increasing the total god armor on the server, and allowing for players to pvp more freely without the worry of losing the small amount of gear they have.
February 23, 2016 at 7:14 am #29862I agree with what many of the other players are saying. Removing the god apple from pvp entirely would eliminate the unfair advantage that many of the older players have over the new players on the server. Not only would this encourage a more skill based pvp environment, it would also increase the focus on producing god armor, increasing the total god armor on the server, and allowing for players to pvp more freely without the worry of losing the small amount of gear they have.
Ive 1v1d Ventura once, it was awesome. I never want to do it again just because of how hard it is for casual players like myself to get god gear without donating for cash.
Theres also a new enchantment coming out for armour and tools etc called mending, the jist of it is when you collect xp it repairs your stuff that’s equipped, Whats everyones thought of this? People could carry like a stack or two of xp when they go into battle to repair their stuff?!? (Mending is only obtainable via dungeons and stuff)
One thing I hope for though, is the ability to buy Elytra not just from players, because no matter how far you extend the end, there wont be many Elytra floatin around right? And because they seem to add a great deal of fun to the environment, and whole new ways to fight (dropping potions on players from above, dive bombing like a magpie in nesting season, bows, the list goes on!) But because they’re that level of awesome, they would have to be pretty expensive right? So maybe something like “trade in your gapple” sorta thing but so its not just people that have large quantities of gapples have all the Elytra, a nice expensive 1k or so to give the newer players a goal to keep playing on the server, cus I know I want to save up like that to be able to fly!!!
Thanks for reading my wall of text, Block.
February 23, 2016 at 8:06 am #29864I’m happy with the amount of positivity in this thread
God apples, they are too OP, and will soon become a bit of a legacy feature. In say, a years time, the wealthiest players will simply be those who were around to craft a few god apples, and in my opinion, that will remove the incentive to play for newcomers when the old players have OP and unobtainable items. I think that the plan to trade in God Apples at the cove, much like gunpowder, is a brilliant one, that means people can bring their gold into 1.9, without being OP.
February 23, 2016 at 11:25 am #29865it doesn’t sound like a bad idea to remove gaps. the sign thing is nice, but there may be those specific few that just hoard all of them then use them on everyone else, when all the other players have already traded theirs in, making them the most OP :/ but the removal of gaps may be interesting, forcing everyone to focus more on potions and strategy, rather how fast you can click and how many gaps you can eat. also, bows suck. their range seems to have been completely nerfed. meaning it becomes a bit more difficult to snipe (sad face), but the nerfs to bows also means no more dagersh bow spam (thank the great lord above or whatever you believe in) lol <3 ya dag
If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*
- Former Leader of CoV -
- A Proud Member of The Asylum-February 23, 2016 at 11:37 am #29866 -
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