PirateCraft Active Crew List March 2016

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    Ever wondered who the crews of PirateCraft are and what they stand for? Feel floundered finding friends to affiliate yourself with?

    Well, you’re in luck! Here’s a list of the currently active crews on PirateCraft as of the 23rd March 2016. Apologies if your crew isn’t in this list, I only know the crews which frequent the forums or which have made a name for themselves.

    Power Structure: Federation
    Power Source: Unknown
    Character: Atlantis is a new crew lead by Konstruktor and Texter with the aim of focussing purely on the constructive side of Minecraft and avoiding all forms of PVP. The crew has yet to take off properly and is attempting to attract long-term players as well as striking deals with business ventures.

    British Empire
    Power Structure: Federation
    Power Source: Direct Democracy, former Timocracy
    Character: The British Empire is one of the oldest still active crews on the server and prides itself on its size, history and feats of construction. Having been caught up in many drawn-out wars for a period of over half a year, the leadership has grown tentative of getting involved in large-scale conflicts.

    Commonwealth of Nations
    Power Structure: Confederation
    Power Source: Representative Democracy
    Character: The Commonwealth of Nations is a new political union of crews aimed at improving the server’s community by sponsoring fledgling enterprises. It has yet to find its feet, but is already working on plans for the future.

    Power Structure: Unknown
    Power Source: Anarchy
    Character: Creed is a new pirate crew with a focus on PVP and raiding. They seem to be setting themselves up as competition for Crusaders of the Void.

    Crusaders of the Void
    Power Structure: Fellowship
    Power Source: Anarchy
    Character: Crusaders of the Void is an amalgamation of some of the richest and most powerful PVPers in PirateCraft. The crew has made a name for itself through its victories on the battlefield. The Crusaders may generally raid whoever they want and do whatever they like, but they must also respect their fellow crew members. CoV likes to emphasise that building is also an integral part of its culture.

    Elven Empire
    Power Structure: Chiefdom, Confederation
    Power Source: Absolute Monarchy
    Character: The Elven Empire has been reformed and reborn countless times in the past years. Even when seemingly beaten, the Elves have a knack of rising up as strong as ever before. Many beautiful cities in PirateCraft are owned by one of the Elven Kingdoms, which are ruled by various royal and aristocratic dynasties.

    Power Structure: Unknown
    Power Source: Theocracy
    Character: Ender is an upstart crew with a spiritual bent, worshipping the mystical St. Ender and the path into the Void.

    Enterian Alliance
    Power Structure: Republic
    Power Source: Direct Democracy, former Dictatorship
    Character: The Entarian Alliance is a small nation formed with the purpose of achieving order and working on projects. Ruled by InventorJohn, the Alliance has so far stood firm for three quarters of a year.

    Federation Nations Alliance
    Power Structure: Confederation
    Power Source: Representative Democracy
    Character: The Federation Nations Alliance is a union of crews which started out as a military alliance where Cubigran, the Entarian Alliance, and the SPQR to combine forces and protect each other from enemies. In the aftermath of the Verussian Empire being kicked out of the League of Nations for plotting against its allies, they too joined the Federation Nations Alliance.

    Iborian Empire
    Power Structure: Unknown
    Power Source: Absolute Monarchy
    Character: The Iborian Empire is ruled by Palmerageddon and while small, is a respected member of the League of Nations. The name and capital of the crew have changed over time, but its ruler remains the same. The capital of New Faythe stands strong against the sands of time.

    League of Nations
    Power Structure: Confederation
    Power Source: Representative Democracy
    Character: The League of Nations is a union of crews formed to fight the infamous 0utlaws. Even after 0utlawz leader HardTimez was banned, the League of Nations, back then known as “the Allied”, stuck together and even today pursue their aim in establishing an ordered world for future generations, a “great big beautiful tomorrow.”

    Power Structure: Unknown
    Power Source: Unknown
    Character: The Norse are a new raider crew with a viking theme. Like Creed and Crusaders of the Void, they gleefully take up arms against any targets with attractive bounties on their heads.

    Power Structure: Fellowship
    Power Source: Direct Democracy
    Character: The Seawolves are warriors of the sea and lupine friends. They raid who they will and let their feral hearts guide them.

    Power Structure: Federation
    Power Source: Unknown
    Character: S.P.Q.R. is a Roman-themed crew focussed on constructing new Rome and serving as a place for crew representatives to meet. Like ancient Rome, S.P.Q.R. desires to expand its territories on the eastern side of the PirateCraft world.

    Thirteen Colonies
    Power Structure: Unknown
    Power Source: Unknown
    Character: Thirteen Colonies is a crew representing colonial America, reflecting this period in its architecture and dress style. A loyal member of the League of Nations, Thirteen Colonies has in the past taken up arms in defence of its allies.

    Power Structure: Unitary State
    Power Source: Despotism
    Character: Togukawa is a communion of radical revolutionaries bent on overthrowing the “ruling donator elite” of PirateCraft and establishing a golden age for deckhands. So far unsuccessful in its ventures and widely condemned for the means pursued to achieve its desired end, crew leader Ultracreeper remains stoic and trudges on down his chosen path.

    Verussian Empire
    Power Structure: Unitary State
    Power Source: Dictatorship
    Character: The Verussian Empire has had many up and downs in its history. Destroyed and ravaged many times, the Verussian people constructed settlements on many islands before founding their permanent home on the landmass commonly known as the “Verussian continent”. The members of this crew work as tirelessly as termites on improving their infrastructure and building large cities.

    Power Structure: Fellowship
    Power Source: Unknown
    Character: Viper is a small assassin crew based in the northern jungle of PirateCraft. Led by Chamberlain, the vipers actively hunt down targets with large bounties on their heads.

    Xenon Empire
    Power Structure: Unitary State
    Power Source: Absolute Monarchy
    Character: The Xenon Empire is centred on Port Terragon, a large settlement on the Verussian continent. Lead by Maximus_Terragon, the Xenon Empire has sealed friendship with its fellow League of Nations crews and defined its borders by refusing the be integrated into the Verussian Empire.

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    Awesome !
    Could you please now add all the members.
    just half-way kidding It is a very interesting read. Thank you so much !

    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


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    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

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    2 admins are in CoV, they don’t care about the language part of the rules. Heheheheheehhe anyway, I’m really happy with what you said and I’m glad you added in the new crews.


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    nice post! I just have one comment about CoV. Although crews know us as the dominant raiding crew on the server, our members actually have amazing builds that seem underrepresented when our crew is discussed. Overall I like the post and paul if you keep up posts like this ill keep on reading.





    Punching baby seals since before it was fun.

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    No no no no no no!!!! First the EA converted to a republic a month ago. Second the Federated Nations was not formed when the Verrussian Empire was kicked out of the League of Nations it was originally a a military alliance where Cubigran, the Entarian Alliance, and the SPQR to combine forces and protect each other from enemies. The Verussian Empire had nothing to do with its creation and the group was created before the Verussian Empire was even kicked out of the League of Nations.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    Norse is here, that means we’re becoming more well known… sweet! Seawolves sound like people I’d like, maybe I’ll try getting to know them.


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    Oooh! Very interesting read.

    Seawolves rep here @lordofpandas545 , let’s talk sometime.

    I think the power structure and source for the Seawolves should be something closer to:

    Structure = Fellowship

    Source = Democracy

    Also, feline = cats and stuff. lol


    Sailor, shipwright, builder, adventurer.

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    Ok, made some updates and added the crew “Viper”. I’d also like to add Cubigran, but I know absolutely nothing about them.

    When I have time, I’ll consider adding the names of the respective crew members! 🙂

    Smokey River
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    I am curious to see exactly what Iodiwan means with his statement.

    Paul I loved this post!


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    Only thing to add about Viper is Rule 1. Never talk about Viper. 🙂

    King Ben
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    Cubigran’s not really active any more since haydenfire got banned 🙁

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    cham that makes viper sound exactly like a fight club lol



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    I wish the wiki was as up to date as this.

    Great job though Paul, as always.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    Paul I loved mine.

    Yet to decide really what the power structure is though :/ Yet I do allow others to have some power over their land, mainly asking them to keep in mind the look of the surroundings rather than make an upbeat other theme building.

    Mainly because I’m going for that ‘drab clay’ look, like the middle eastern houses (blocky look).


    I think what you could do, is on all the pages not made of these nations or groups on the WIKI you could possibly put these ‘evaluations’ up there for people to find & read.


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