oLukey Unban Request

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  • #83990
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    Current Username: oLukey


    Username when banned: oLukey


    UUID: 43f636eb-2f77-4668-b8fd-4c66e0962ea9


    Punishment Tracker Link: https://bans.piratemc.com/index.php?action=viewplayer&player=oLukey&server=0


    Banned By: taulov


    Dear Reader, I am writing to clarify the situation regarding the ban of my account on PMC. I left my home at 6:15 PM on the 11th of November, and later that evening, I was informed over Discord by Tulips that my account had been banned. When speaking with Lazy, I was informed that my account had been seen phasing through the ground into caves. However, I can confirm that I was not online at that time, as I had left my home over an hour and a half prior to the ban.


    After Toby confirmed my account was banned, I promptly logged out of all devices associated with my Microsoft account. During this process, I noticed two devices that I did not recognize. This issue has since been resolved.


    A few weeks prior, I confirmed with the staff that the mods I use, Sodium and Litematica, are compliant with PMC’s guidelines. If there have been any changes to the policy regarding these mods, I would appreciate being informed so that I can ensure full compliance with the server rules moving forward.


    Should you have any further questions or require additional clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.





    • Topics: 68
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    Hello oLukey

    You were banned for hacking, which aint the first time you have been caught doing that. Back in 2022 you were also banned for hacking. It also seems your story inregards to how your ban happend is centered aroudn the time of your ban. As a mattter of fact the recording of you cheating was at 17:00 GMT.

    You have said in private messages that you think that it is hackers  from other countries, however the last ip you logged in with on that day, is from neither of those places you named.

    Futhermore it states in our rule page: “You are responsible for all activity on your account and from your IP”

    You hacked on the server, you won’t be  allowed back


    For other readers the only allowed mods on the server are, Fabulously Optimized & optifine. Litematica is strictly prohibited. 


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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