oLukey return request. Please reply.

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests oLukey return request. Please reply.

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    Current Username: oLukey
    Username when banned: oLukey
    UUID: 43f636eb-2f77-4668-b8fd-4c66e0962ea9
    Your punishment tracker link: http://bans.piratemc.com/
    Banned By: Coldat/Legq


    Unban Appeal:

    Im unsure if the first one uploaded as i cant find it on the forums and im unsure of where to look.

    So incase it didnt i state again.

    I am deeply sorry for my past actions i didnt think about the consequences and didnt realise how much hacking affected the server. I want to return and be part of the community and bring back the LKF events that i was a major part of. I made a genuine mistake i feel bad about. I miss the server and community i once was part of and i want to reunite those i was freinds with.

    Thank you so much for taking time to read my appeal and i hope you consider it.

    Hope to see you around. oLukey.

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    i will say first hes a idiot for what he did. but ive personally spoken to him and he is honeslty sorry for his actions. he regrets what he did and i know he wont be dumb enough todo it again. we all make mistakes but luke ive played with on Minecraft for quiet a while and hes a very helpful good player jsut sometimes we all dont think right. He helps with events alot and i will say the reason we took a break from events is because of the help Luke has done. The past events have been a 3 person team and without one of us three they dont work. so until luke is able to return we will not be able to contiune events. I do know he wont do it again. personnaly i know hes learned his lesson but its up to you to pass your own judgement on the matter. but thats my 2 cents and i dont speak much on here so for whatever its worth there it is.

    Proud Lord Of BE!
    Proud Former Chief of Police for BE!
    Creator,Owner,Builder Of Smok-a-Tropalis
    "No one will hold your hand thru the flames,
    i embraced the flame and then made my home!"

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    I don’t think you should be unbanned to be honest in. My opinion to be as blatant enough when hacking to be screen shared by staff on pirate craft is honestly sad you seem like a fine player but the offense is too great and way too soon to appeal

    Former leader of scamming sailors and raiding them
    Has experience in running from the cops
    Has raided lots of chungeses per-

    Former leader of Rome|
    Former advisor and leader of copt|
    Founder and Ceo of being better then you|

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    Thank you olpx for your input.

    My hacking was nothing blatant i used chest esp and nametags. I kept getting kicked in pvp due to ping issues with my hits and thats what resulted in the screenshare in which they found the fact i was using chest esp and nametags. None of my actions done while hacking ruined anything about the server maybe my chest esp helped me find bases but i often only used it when i was in a base to see if there was any point me staying to look around. Also as i stated before i made a genuine mistake and will never repeat my bad actions.

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    Yeah you only using two hacks seems very unlikely to me especially when your ban states PVP related clients and more found it seems very hard to believe and the fact they found it is very blatant pmc staff don’t screenshare often and when people are found they are found blatantly with hints or reports

    Former leader of scamming sailors and raiding them
    Has experience in running from the cops
    Has raided lots of chungeses per-

    Former leader of Rome|
    Former advisor and leader of copt|
    Founder and Ceo of being better then you|

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    Many thanks again however when i got screen shared they found no pvp related hacks thats in there because i was pvping just prior to the ss.

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    armtnado no care u still suckl and are a little one. you are smaöl bad people and u L. opinionte invalidat…..


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    lmao armando i think ur reply is very much true especially the fridg being taken awai,

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