Offical PMC YT Channel

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  • #43584
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    Godsy gave me some ideas about an official PMC YT channel. We have stray ones everywhere! Here I am calling for a Ytubers unite!@MrBluBeardedYeti I love your work @dpex81 I love those editing skills @JamminMas love that intro you got! If all the tubers work together we can be successful. Gods dead has a Channel with only one video, but it needs repair. So if you’d like to join contact me with a portfolio of some of your work.

    Sincerely ,



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    Can you like, message me the password, I have some fun ideas >:D


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    Yea sure bud. Not


    Blu Pearson
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    Sounds cool, don’t have a bunch of others vids apart from ones of my kids to make a portfolio :). I am getting a good mic. It will be in my hands next week when my pops comes to see the grand kids. So I’m down to contribute to the cause.

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    Ye I’ll send some stuff…just got bandicam premium so Im all set recording wise, and am about to purchase new editing software as I type this ;P

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    The “official” PMC youtube is I just never got around to making an amazing trailer!

    I have an amazing way to record amazing video, so if anyone is interested (properly interested) in making us some videos, then go ask me in a PM and ill send over my method 🙂

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    Ye I’ll send some stuff…just got bandicam premium so Im all set recording wise, and am about to purchase new editing software as I type this ;P

    how do you even record this stuff I wanna try


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    @Godsdead expose your secrets to me!!


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    how do you even record this stuff I wanna try


    Well odi first you download a recording software…I shelled out 40 dollars and bought a top of the line one. Then you need to buy an editing software so your vids audio doesn’t get messed up like in my last vid xD. YT channels are very competitive and you need to have a focus target (mine is minecraft obv). Recording is all about timing, you need your videos to be very entertaining and crop them so they are not dry. I have had a few friends start channels that actually have 500+ subs and so they are guiding me though my personal channel which you can see in my intro’s 🙂

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    how do you even record this stuff I wanna try

    Well odi first you download a recording software…I shelled out 40 dollars and bought a top of the line one. Then you need to buy an editing software so your vids audio doesn’t get messed up like in my last vid xD. YT channels are very competitive and you need to have a focus target (mine is minecraft obv). Recording is all about timing, you need your videos to be very entertaining and crop them so they are not dry. I have had a few friends start channels that actually have 500+ subs and so they are guiding me though my personal channel which you can see in my intro’s ?

    is there a way we can like share the software, I don’t have 40 dollars


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    When I am more free (after the semester ends around Dec 15th) I would be happy to contribute in any way that I could. Especially for a cinematic server trailer my graphics card can record full HD with shaders. I can also edit and select appropriate music. As for a portfolio of my work, my youtube channel contains everything I’ve ever edited.

    Only thing is if we were doing anything cinematic I would want schematics of the parts of the world that are being featured (like cove, spawn, etc). Actual render distance is limited while on the server (ex: set to 32 chunks can only see 16), and for good recordings I’d rather do that kind of thing on my own system copied and pasted into a superflat world, so that render distance is maxed and chunks aren’t trying to load during filming.

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    Yup it’s fine, could I put you in charge of making a PMC trailer and intro? Thanks.


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    OBS drops film rate to 1fps for me XD


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    Then try another one


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