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  • #62052
    Jason Montauge
    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 1

    Hello my name is Jason Montauge, I’m offering you free bukkit/spigot/paperspigot plugin development for a few projects (exactly how much will be figured out later if you’re up for this). I do not have any connection to your server, which makes this safe for you. What I require in exchange for my free services is a vouch from the server confirming the plugin creation and some sort of validation of me being the autor ingame. I’m doing this because I’d like a reputation before I start offering paid development (from other servers, unless you’re interested). And I do that by offering free services in exchange for vouches. I can do basically anything possible using the apis.


    Thank you for your time,


    • Topics: 47
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    Wow Jason that was deep bro. Honestly half of that flew over my head I had no clue what you meant, but hey im not an admin you might want to Talk with GodsDead he is the Server Owner and can probably better answer any questions or offers you may have for the Piratecraft Server.


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    Hey @JasonMontague this does sound amazing.

    We vet all custom code that run on the server first, so a github with the changes will be required, we have a ton of custom work that needs doing if you are game.

    Best place to start is discord, you can find me (GodsDead) the server owner in there, I can give you a small task for fixing a plugin(s) or creating something new if you wish to get started, we have roles setup for developers in-game, discord and we have a staff page with a developer section.

    I look forward to hearing from you.



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