Odi box'ed down

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    This evening, ladies and gentlemen, we finished off _Qwerticorn_’s enormus box.

    Thank you @Cysteen for donating tons of tnt, it helped alot 😉


    Be sure to post your screenshots from the epic raid event right here in this topic! 😉

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    i think I used between 4 and 6 stacks of tnt on that thing. odi, I gotta say, you built one hell of a box.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Thee map image of the box is pretty funny?

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    i think I used between 4 and 6 stacks of tnt on that thing. odi, I gotta say, you built one hell of a box.

    It’s a massive shame it’s gone, all the history, all the items left in it (CREEEPEER!!!!) Even if it was ugly, it was there for ages. One of the biggest I’ve seen. Meh, I’m more upset about not seeing it than having it gone. You are all so rood ;-;

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    It may be gone odi, but it has many benefits. I understand that you have memories from that place, I think most of us still remember the first building we built, and in my case how ugly it was. You can start over, no longer being mocked for having an ugly box. Don’t hold onto the past, look into the future and learn from errors. I’m almost certain that you will return to the server, and hopefully build something a little more pleasant to the eye.

    <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>Also, well done to all who helped with blowing holes into the side of that box. I was not there, but I can imagine it was great.</span>

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    It may be gone odi, but it has many benefits. I understand that you have memories from that place, I think most of us still remember the first building we built, and in my case how ugly it was. You can start over, no longer being mocked for having an ugly box. Don’t hold onto the past, look into the future and learn from errors. I’m almost certain that you will return to the server, and hopefully build something a little more pleasant to the eye. <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>Also, well done to all who helped with blowing holes into the side of that box. I was not there, but I can imagine it was great.</span>

    lol 9 farms gone, an auto brewer, half of my stuff. It’s not EZ being MZ

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    lol u brought up the topic of being blown up, if u were a bit smarter u would have gotten all the loot in the chests out of it before suggesting to blow it up 😛



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    kinda sad I didn’t think to record. ah well.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    lol u brought up the topic of being blown up, if u were a bit smarter u would have gotten all the loot in the chests out of it before suggesting to blow it up ?

    I’m starting to get sick of this, Crackers, you did <u>NOT</u> know the situation. CreeperMorderen made me keep my loot in my chests, the only stuff I was allowed to take was from my head wall, and I scavenged through a few chests on the left side of the building (facing west) it was all rubbish, so next time you form an opinion, ask around for what actually happened instead of saying that I’m not intelligent.

    “Good day my sir. I SAID GOOD DAY!”

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    what im talking about odi, u had trust in ur box before all this correct, i mean u could deposit/withdrawl from ur chests normally. u could have moved all of your loot before making this a big talk and allowing creeper the time to remove ur trust lol



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    what im talking about odi, u had trust in ur box before all this correct, i mean u could deposit/withdrawl from ur chests normally. u could have moved all of your loot before making this a big talk and allowing creeper the time to remove ur trust lol

    @CaptainCrackerz I was forced out of my home in 3 days. But I only had perms to one side, the  other side Creeper untrusted me to. I didn’t hear his feelings until it was too late I thought he  would change his mind, but nope, you people pushed him to the edge blaming him for MY BOX, that I built, dug, and defended for a year.

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
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    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
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