Obsidian clad warships?

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  • #57886
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    I recently heard that obsidian clad warships were illegal. Is it true and if it is can the staff please consider making it legal. It may be very OP but it will also be very expensive. Isin’t the diamond cannon ammo made so obsidian armor can be penatrated? Please respond soon.

    The turtles will rise...

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    After all it says on the materials list that you can use obsidian on ships

    The turtles will rise...

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    You probably heard that it is not allowed in ship battles. I highly doubt it is illegal server-wide.

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    i heard it is illegal

    but i’m pretty sure your right after all it makes much more sense for them to be legal


    The turtles will rise...

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    Put as much obsidian as you’d like on your ships. The only time they’re not allowed on ships is in most ship battles Max hosts. But I wouldn’t worry about that unless you are making the ship for that specific purpose.

    But yeah build away, make her a strong ship.

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    Thank you very much The_Network because I was designing one for myself and my crew to use in stuff like wars. I heard it was illegal but you and Astrobolt corrected me. Again thanks.

    The turtles will rise...

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    Yeah, not illegal (as you seen) just incredibly expensive to produce and stuff. Great you’ve got a plan and all, I would only use it in dire situations though or as a deterrent as I wouldn’t want to be sailing and suddenly the Rambo of the sea (JUSA) jumps in, pulls the pins on 3 tnt, triple backflips out of the ship in the form of Tom Daley only to not look at the explosion behind him as he swims away.

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    yeah the idea of such a ship is to be a super weapon to be used in dire situations but more importantly a show of power

    The turtles will rise...

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    Yet, if you wanted to use such a weapon, one of the problems being that ships are slow, and bigger shipa require a higher rank (usually a ship that even has obsidian shouls be a manowar+). Also, a ship requires mainly two things: wood/whatever material you are using, and wool. Obsidian is considered as armour, and the wood and wool need a percentage of the ship, or else the ship will sink. In conclusion, be careful about how much obsidian you are using, for power should not be abused!                      .

    im a kau

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    i know

    i planned the ship out in a single player world. going to make it a frigate though

    The turtles will rise...

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    and the ship is going to be a show of power and mostly a defensive weapon


    The turtles will rise...

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