No teleport weekend event discussion thread
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- This topic has 90 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 2 months ago by
June 3, 2015 at 9:14 am #14655
Yh, nice work Solid. But it should definitely have gone in a new thread…
June 3, 2015 at 8:29 pm #14674Personally i think its a shame so many people said no without even giving it a go, its a weekend, not any more.
Teleportation is massively over used, we all take advantage of it, its a shame. we had no tp on v1 for a long while and it was so much better.
Now we have ships it nonsensical to be having teleportation, at the very least it needs to be a chargeable perk (say £1 per tp)
Shop owners i very muhc doubt will have an issue with losing a few days trade, and if it were to become a perm thing, would actually see econmoy grow massively.
I say it regularly, lose TP, perhpas keep a Sethome but no more. make the server difficult again
June 3, 2015 at 8:35 pm #14676@iamthereaper89 I completely agree that no TP should be tested and it could be a very fun experience. Itt’s only temporary so just get prepared for a few days fo no TP and everyone should be fine.
I don’t like the idea of charging for teleports though because it woould drain money out of people’s pockets and the economy would come to a stand still since money would be flowing out continously so there isn’t enough money circulating.
Let’s have the TP weekendIt could be fun! Then if it is amazing and hardcore players enjoy it, let’s make a true hardcore pirate server then!
~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~
June 3, 2015 at 9:20 pm #14682Thats the thing, if teleportation charged, it would only be used in case of emergency, people would use ships more etc.
If peopel want to use every last penny they have on a tp then theats their own stupid fault lol. the smart would survive and the stupid, well not so much.
June 3, 2015 at 9:51 pm #14684@iamthereaper89 100%! Im glad someone is on the same page as me.
Please take 2 seconds to understand what teleporting is; all you moaners:
(especially in science fiction) transport or be transported across space and distance instantly.
Im exited for a 2 day trial to see what happens, we can display a title to everyone that logs in to say TP is disabled for those 2 days; But an incentive is needed to create and sail a ship across teh ocean still, I don’t think money alone will be worth it for people, so more ideas!
June 3, 2015 at 10:33 pm #14685Trade! At one port, being able to buy loads of valuable cargo, which can only be sold at another port far away.. And for those who doesn’t want to go on trade runs, can hunt the merchant ships, like real piracy.
I mean, one thing leads to another, so if we have trade routes set up, there will be trade, but the rewards of sailing across the ocean should be high, since pirates can steal it from you if you’re unlucky. the risks of setting out is high, you can be raided, killed, you can lose your ship and the goods you have invested in, so I think the reward should be high, pump £ into the economy would not hurt?
Then in order to avoid the pirates people could make convoys of ships, with merchant ships protected by battle ships, Boom, we have ship battles! Idk if we can have it in two days though.. I think it takes time for these things to develop but yeah who knows? I hope we’ll see sea battle like that
Founder of Port Hope
June 4, 2015 at 12:22 am #14689Love the idea! i’m so exited for this!
Can you just imagen a horde of ships going in the same direction and then pitares shooting out of no where,Pirates using the fastest ship merchants the biggest now thats an epic ship fight!
side note: allot of people are saying diferent dates in wich this will happen,so i have a question is it this weekend or the next?
Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi
i realy like One Piece
June 4, 2015 at 1:08 am #14694Need an incentive to get people across the ocean? Announce the coordinates to a location in a central area with TONS of loot in it. This announcement needs to made when TP has been disabled already and then people will be scrambling to get to ships or vanilla boats.
Another incentive that might work is a designated ship fighting area…
@iamthereaper89 I understand that some people would conserve money but what I’m saying is that some people (like cadets/sailors) that are the main people that buy goods from shop owners, would spend money for teleports over and over again. Not everyone is smart enough to conserve teleports. Also, warps would also cost money to teleport to which deters people from doing /warp shop if they are going to be taxed in doing so. Every dollar that gets spent on teleporting leaves the economy which means less money in circulation leading to less people buying and more selling to gain money. In time, the economy would come a standstill since all of the money would have flowed out through the TP cost. Knowing you are a shop owner and a player with a ton of money, you should actually fear the tp tax since it would mean less customers and less money in circulation. A tp tax would damage the economy in the long run since eventually, there would be no more money in circulation (or just money in the hands of big shop owners but no customers to buy goods since customers would be out of money).~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~
June 4, 2015 at 1:15 am #14696Dang this thread Blew UP like some ships will that weekend! Ok I love the idea like and all the Ideas Gods, Reaper, and Ani have. My only concern is the economy for TP Charge. This could be avoided if the warps were left available for teleport, admin and non-admin(possibly). I have already prepared for the TP free weekend whether it comes or not (secretly hoping it does). Even though I started on the server with TP enabled and there would be an utter meltdown by some if it disappeared I wouldn’t cry. I have grown pretty lazy with some of the TP powers but my laziness is why I donated a second time :-). That being said I think leaving some with a few tp powers such as donators might be beneficial to the server (more people donating to be lazy). But y’all know what is best on that aspect. I sail the high seas pretty frequently when not in the midst of other projects.
So everyone please stop freaking out over a 2-day event. It will be a challenge and a change which isn’t bad. It’s called put your grown up pants on and face it.
Yours Truly,
Smokey <3
I solemnly swear I am up to no good.
-Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
*depends on how you want to view my super powers*June 4, 2015 at 9:30 am #14710@bislo1 Yeah boi! I like your thinking, I might have to brainstorm with you about items that we should sell from port to port, I want to use normal items, that means people could deplete their entire storage rooms of an item instead of custom items? What do you think? The only issue with this is people making giant farms closer to the selling town, I would have to take over giant portions of land to make sure people couldn’t build that close, this might be a massive pain with pre-built towns as there’s hundreds of claims around. We would need a town at each corner of the map and something at the cove which is near enough central.
@aniviankevinlu that sounds like an event within an event! Its a good idea, but it isn’t a replenishing option, every other time we have done this, one-two players ends up leaving with everything, What we could do is have infinite spawners in Evermoor with mobs that drop custom items, we could have some really tough mobs that would need a team to kill.
@smokeyriver I think it’s too late in the game to be changing something as used as teleport, I don’t think I will be changing it permanently as people are used to it and I don’t want to push people away. This will act as a trial run to see if it would work as a permanent second world that has more sea and nothing but islands, Then we could have permanent trade routes setup on another world and still keep the TP in this world, I haven’t thought about this properly yet so there could be major flaws with this.June 4, 2015 at 10:24 am #14716For the people who are upset about the lack of warping through space and time and for those who are worried about the economy imploding – would it be a viable alternative to increase the time limit on teleports instead of introducing a fee? Say you get a 30 min cooldown after every teleport or warp?
This would:
-o- Encourage alternate methods of transportation such as ships
-o- Reduce cases of harassment where players keep teleporting in and out
-o- Encourage players to live in larger communities for protection, as their friends can only teleport in once every half hour if they live on the other side of the world
-o- Raise item prices (such as diamonds!) as players would have to spend more time walking back and forth to harvest resources and would have fewer casual shoppers visiting per day
-o- Make unraidable bases markedly rarer, as players would have to build an entrance to get in and not just a tp exit!
-o- Eliminate the need to replace the donators’ teleport rewards with something else (as would have to happen if teleports were removed entirely). They would also be less OP but still desirable (though /back would also have to have this time limit applied)
-o- Not remove teleports completely, which would mean you could get home easily even if you’ve travelled to the other side of the map
-o- Be easy to implement!June 4, 2015 at 12:04 pm #14718As someone with a good amount of money in the bank the no teleport actually excites me ani. It ups values of items therefore I can then use my money to help as an incentive for travellers. When items have value I can pay good money for them to keep my shop stocked. As it would cost me to obtain them myself.
June 4, 2015 at 12:13 pm #14719I already blew up ships; and stole like…. 10.
Anyway, the battles! The fun! The loot! It’s piratecraft heaven! I agree with only 1 tp every 30 mins; and possibly 3 homes? Homes should cost money though.
Also, warp icons should be kept. This way, the icons will lead us to the shop.
Sorry to whomever I used a stack of TNT on your base……. I needed those chests!
June 4, 2015 at 1:09 pm #14721I’m in for whatever, but we should at least make the Live Map not track people, so people can have privacy while building their ships. We need to guess where is the enemy is, and when people are trying to hide from a fleet, they most likely won’t get found.
June 4, 2015 at 1:57 pm #14723@dorkito101 Icons on the map for points of interest. That needs to be added to the to-do list once we have a finished set of rules for this no tp weekend.
@AKNotch123 The problem with turning off tracking would be navigating, finding your way around gets difficult then.
@PaulOnFire Right this is amazing ideas, but I don’t want people to go off-task trailing into another conversation, can you move that post into its own thread in PirateCraft suggestions, then we can separate global ideas away from this event! Otherwise we will have 2 separate conversations going on! -
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