No teleport weekend event discussion thread

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    This thing really……XD

    looks like a orcs ugly sun XD


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Rub. Are you a pirate? Yes, you are. I say delete any ways of transportation thru command. Do pirates teleport. NO. They. Sail. The. Scurvy. Seas. Do what I did. During the war, I sailed a small dhow into an enemy base. The enemy’s set cannons on me. I got my ship blown up along with two hearts. But before I came down, I blew a hole in the base. It felt amazing sailing my way into the base even though the chances of me surviving were 1/10, I did it anyway. Either way I was working with a secret group who, shall not be named, was against a small country. Now not to tell stories, here is what I think now.


    sail the seas! Unless you know, your to chicken. Even if you do not sail, you can ride by horses, pigs, and enderpeals! Cmon, aren’t you a pirate? Is the server called piratecraft? YES, AND YES!


    I vote No Teleportation At All.

    A proper poll would do just fine!


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    @mrdork I can create a dock & entrance to warp food for the event. Just need a day or two notice to give me time to build.

    Smokey River
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    I agree I think it would be fun, but as noted by a couple people it could hurt shop owners. Either way this goes I will be on playing! OO after the event can we have a junk a bunch of ships party getting rid of the half busted ones people made?!?


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
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    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    I think this would be a fun event! But I’d miss my main /home… It’s been sooo long since I played on a survival world where you have to walk home after each mining trip. xD

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    If it’s only 2-3 days, I don’t think us shop owners will suffer too terribly.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Can we have some sort of infrastructure built up? Paths are limited atm, and I’m not sure that the idea of a 3 wide claim was added; things like that are key when you have a no TP server. I’d also suggest a kit which supplies a travel pack; a boat, saddle, and some food. Just because it’s difficult to get food when traveling long distances.

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    @PaulOnFire you and me both, People have got too reliant on teleporting its made ships pointless.

    Think you missed the “weekend” bit.

    As to everyone else, I have picked out there is no “Incentive” to play as it would only effect people that don’t want to use ships/cannons.

    So without an incentive it makes the event pointless.

    • Add a trade route for custom items that can only be bought from 1 location and sold at a few other locations at different prices.
      For this to work I would need to figure out if I could create a stack of custom items to sell using signshop, and make sure they cant be created.
    • Have “bosses” & “minions” that drop cool loot located at hard to get to regions, they could have a cooldown between each one spawning.
      Since people cant teleport home for more supplies to keep killing it over and over it would give people the chance to have turns.
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    It sounds good but I think the server might descend into chaos and then I might just stay underground for the Entire weekend or build a bunker or lock my self in a room and build ships in there maybe.

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    @Palmerageddon This is what Callie was saying to me, people might just stay put and not move! Anyone else thinking about following suit?

    So far nobody seems to like this idea so im half tempted to bin it all together.

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    Godsy, just force it! We shouldn’t be teleporting in the 1st place! I would LOVE to go a day or two with no ships. Think about the ship battles, loot, fun you could have! But once again get with a crew….. For all you people who are too lazy to build a ship and type /map, that’s disappointing. Godsy made this server for you guys, to sail ships, a and to be pirates! Are you doing that? This is my favorite server BECAUSE of its ships.


    Once again, a poll would do fine!


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    @GodsDead some of my friends and myself were thinking along the lines of what Callie was thinking: staying put to do household chores or get ahead on farming. I have my own motives, and I will push on with what I personally want to do 🙂

    Owner of Port Laconia (warp market)
    British Empire Chief of Police

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    Finally, I love it. This idea can create real trrading. I understand that People have set up their bases spread out all over the map, in order to be able to have access to ALL resources of the world. This is NOT how real trading works. Towns in the caribean had stock and produced a certain amount of goods, and they needed some other materials themselves, so they also had to buy goods, not just sell goods alltogether. I run around the server now and then and i find very few shops acually willing to buy back the goods that they sell. It doesnt make sense to me. Its NOT trade at all.. Its some kind of half thingy in between where shop owners sell alot of things and get rich, but there is no sustainability in it if you think about it. when they run out of stock, they have to go mine halfway across the world, thats not how real trade works. Merchants buy goods at low cost in regions with lots of supply and sell at higher costs in regions where goods have low supply.


    I understand many people hate the idea of going back, but in order to have this server become hardcore and practice the ships plugin more, we need to remove tp’s.. I love the idea of a test weekend, why can we not try it out and see how it goes???????

    When you change things you might lose some people on the way, but the hardcore ones will adapt and thrive. I love the idea of a test, for the love of piracy, please lets have this.

    Founder of Port Hope

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    I’m all for giving it a go, but I can also see that it has disadvantages… I think that this would be a great opportunity for people to see how awesome ships really are! I sailed from the cove almost the northwestern ocean, and loved every moment of it 😀

    Crazy Pirate
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    I too want to see it happen, but I expect to see loads of hermits!

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