No teleport weekend event discussion thread

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    Ok folks; Here’s the idea I threw out to the server earlier tonight and people flipped at me.

    The idea would be to have a weekend long event where all teleporting is disabled, stay with me.. and all ships and cannons are unlocked for all ranks.

    I was looking at the stats page and noticed the 53266310 Teleports people have clocked up, with an average of 11396.3 each! I want to have an event where the only way of getting around is by all the default minecraft travel methods, Enderpears, Horses, Pigs, Boats, Rail, Markus Back.

    Heres a rough idea.

    • Remove all Tp, Tpa, Tpahere, back, top, home, crew home, warp (Apart from spawn and cove)
    • Add all ships for Deckhand+ so everyone can sail any sized ship
    • Add All cannons so anyone can create and fire cannons
    • Add a build kit, to help people build ships that weekend
    • Add more areas to buy ships from the cove
    • Add a MOTD to say were in an event
    • Add a hotbar message to say we are in an event (and how longs left if its possible)

    Im looking for other ideas to make this a proper event, something we can plan and get ready in advance, I would like to hear peoples views about this weekend good or bad, and any ideas or recommendations for what else we could do 🙂

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    YEs! but how about a boss that were supose to kill? like African American Beard! that way we all have the same goal of getting his massive well guarded treasure!he would have to be extremely dificult to kill that even java could not kill him alone, and the treasure so big that 1 inventory can take it all


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Godsy, I love your idea, except for some.


    Let’s keep houses

    Disable warps

    Keep crew homes

    Keep warp food, since you cannot get in.

    Keep warp icons.

    Other than those, I absolutely love it

    Also, here’s a little justification for homes to be kept.

    Homes are how people live. Homes are storage houses, people rely on them. If I kill someone, I need that home to stay in. I need protection, I go home. Homes do more than just store, they prevent harassment too. Also, godsy, I would be more than happy to start building canals. I only have 1 problem with that. I need supplies.


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    Possibly give everyone a horse?


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    I think that’s quite all cool idea some people have lossed medieval values on this server and I think this event could bring them back.😄




    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    No 0 homes dude is tp free wekeend…


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Godsy, it might be a admin thing, but I’d be happy to help you set it up. I love doing those things!


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    @godsdead about the boss could it be done?

    on a side note:

    when this starts and it’s night time put this song and just will make the playing expiriance 10 times better


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    I’m happy with no homes for a weekend, just make sure I get all of them back when it ends.


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    I agree completely, I love all your ideas EXCEPT one. Warp food is NOT accessable by any transportation except a /warp. So maybe keep that warp too.




    | my final answer.


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    you talking to me or gods? and if its me, i agree,


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Please do this during the week- so I can miss it! At the very least please, please keep homes… homes are a necessity to carry on somewhat normally with business. For the people that have worked up to/donated for their abilities to do everything listed above, this event would be a burden. I understand your goals with this event, but people that have any work ethic whatsoever will put in the time and effort needed to be able to use ships and cannons as much as they please. That’s what ranks and unlocking abilities is all about, right? Working hard and reaping the rewards? Though the thought of there being nothing but vanilla travel + ships sounds interesting at first, it would ultimately put a damper on the daily routines on the server, especially for a businessman like myself. Please take my opinions and requests into consideration for whatever this weekend may hold.

    Owner of Port Laconia (warp market)
    British Empire Chief of Police

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    I don’t want this at all. No tp aGo away

    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
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    it’s onlly for to day’s,yes it will make things harder,but thats the point more rorlplay! this server is about setting sail at sea making friends and foes and having treasure in you’re villige/castle/hub/whatever!.So just either dont come or just take a break from the Money making, and set sail!


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Setting sail in buggy ships that is

    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
    Message me about joining Vault-Tec!

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