New Update Suggestions!

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  • #4276
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    Ok its time for me to suggest some new updates! 😀

    1st on the list is I think we should get the updated Movecraft plugin that tells you if you are parking your craft in a place where it will attach to other things.  The new Movecraft plugin also allows for the command /manoverboard in case you fell off your craft and can’t get back on.

    View the video to see other aspects of the update Movecraft plugin.


    2nd on my list is I think there should be 3 new ranks added for donators whose periods have expired.  I want to suggest this because after the donation period ends, you have a dark green username but your rank corresponds to what requirements you have finished.  Donators don’t have as much freedom with set homes after their period has ended.  i.e. if a donator wanted to be a fag after his donation period ended and is raiding another person and wants to set home there, his/her homes would not be flexible because his/her current rank doesn’t support more than a number of homes (like boatswain can set 3 homes while donator is 5, the donator would possibly lose set homes if he/she wanted to set the new home).

    Please consider these suggestions and have fun!


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    This requires other stuff as well nto just updating movecraft. t i think gods has already looked into this check his reply

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    Moved to right forum.

    Yeah, I do follow the updates, I dont think we will be using the /manoverboard, its hard enough to attack someone on a moving ship, when people fall off its funny watching them scrable to try and get back on realising they havent made any ways to get back onboard from the water!

    When the donation ends, the old homes still exist, but it wont let you move or add new ones, you would have to delete your homes first to create more.

    I do want to add more ranks to fill the gaps, and create a custom acievements system. All on the list 🙂

    Crazy Pirate
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    New ranks? Like for people who are totally awesome and have been on the serve for a long time? The rank where  your name  is surrounded by

    Crazy Pirate
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    stars and stuff. And I know this is a separate reply, but my wifi means not all of the previous message was sent! Buccaneer, first mate , quarter master etc would be cool new ranks. Helmsman maybe?

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    Gods, did u see my rank suggestion?

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    Is it possible to have sub category ranks?

    Like choose a class or something idk

    Merchant class, Pirate Class Privateer >_<


    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    No its not, I have tried sub-ranks before, it would generally be a stand alone rank, It would be nice to have different paths to take, so you end up something else if you kill a lot etc, a bit like MCMMO, but much much less full of rubbish.

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