New Shop!

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    I’ve opened my shop, south of the Cove!

    “/Warp Cove” and look south!

    Alternately, you can see the location on the map if you ZOOM in!!!

    Don’t see something you need? Message me in game,… friendly customer service and great prices!


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    I don’t mind shops around the cove if they are subtle & fit in with the rustic pirate theme of the cove!
    You built a striaght up apple shop with glass front and giant shop signs haha!
    I’ve told Markusi & Crew they can run a shop inside the cove if its themed, There running with Sailor/Boat theme, selling Sails, Compases, Golden Hoes, Storage Crates etc, some reason hes made 2 shops for this (Which will be fixed Markusi!)

    Were gonna need a Gunner/Armoury for gunpower/black wool/torches/cobble projectiles for Cannons etc if you want to take on that role? Have Cannon “Models” on the shop floor!
    Were going to be added different types of Cannons later too! I think we already have an Iron version.
    Or unless you can think of anther themed shop?
    Originally, These were all going to be infinate shops, but its a much better idea having them stocked and run by players! I can make an area Sub-Claimed inside the cove too, so that only you can Build in there.

    Reaper has the Potion & Food reasuturant on the build.

    I love the community project of the cove, its awesome. Sorry to be Super Anal but Im hoping “The Cove” will be the village meeting point of PirateCraft, See how it goes!

    At present only Sailor+ can use the warp cove warp too, to discourage newbies getting dragged to player shops as soon as they log in.

    Also, Ill move this thread into the Cove Forum haha ;p

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    I would actually like making that gunner shop at the cove 🙂 Or I could make a shipyard so people can buy ships from me
    Maybe someone else could make a blacksmith or something, selling weapons and armour?

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    I think I’ll do the shipyard idea 😀

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    Sorry, I thought you said earlier in the week that you didn’t want player run shops in the Cove and wanted it outside?

    I was going for something “flashy” like a emporium or mall, since I wasn’t in the cove and want people to come in and spend their cash…

    That said,… I can tear it down, or change the design,… (my original thought was the side of the ship sticking out of the mountain,… but my building skills stink! Maybe I can hire Harry to help me!) Anyway, I understand it might not “fit in”,… heck I might be able to sail it away,… let me know if you want me to get rid of it…

    On the subject of commerce in general, though,… I’m not sure I agree that only certain players are granted “franchises” or the exclusive right to build the ‘only’ shop in central area… I think it’s okay to restrict this to a specific player rank, but in the spirit of “free trade”, competition, and an open economy, I hope you’ll reconsider this decision…

    Perhaps a viable alternative might be to allow “ranked” players (whatever minimum is required to sell, or make shops) to place a single sign or two in a “commerce” area, with a warp/link to their individual shop or stall (which is physically not in the Cove.)

    This would give “buyers” a chance to make their own decisions on whom to purchase from, allow them to find the best price, and not give an unfair advantage to a small group of approved “merchants”… it would also help keep the Cove free of shop clutter…

    Keep in mind that the opposite is true as well,… An economy like this allows people who need items to “offer to buy” them, and for the seller to get the best price for items that they have in excess…

    You could still have “themed shops” in the cove,… but going inside, instead of a single players items for sale,… there are signs posted with warp links to player shops who have items that match the theme.

    In any case,… let me know, and I can either change the design of what I built,… or try to “sail” it and see how far it get’s before sinking!

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    Markus and I will be selling ships like the ones I showed at ‘Me Pirate Ship ’tis!’. 🙂
    I’ll try to make some ships that are smaller than 500 blocks for the ‘normal’ sailors

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    You’re 100% right and that’s the exact mindset im in with eCommerce, “shops” don’t really exist as shops at present. There are Trade signs, which the few players that have build rights have taken advantage of in the cove, hence my opinion to have 100% “server shops” that are infinite.
    Same goes for slapping up “shops” outside of spawn.

    In general I hate the idea of shops/eco in minecraft, I prefer good old bread and butter trading/land. No need at all for Eco, but people are used to it on servers now, I have really looked into it and having infinite shops to buy/sell whatever are terrible for running eco, there needs to only be one, maybe 2 ways to earn money.

    The only ways to earn money will be via selling claims (check) and Selling wood (when we have a shop).

    Eco has been discussed thoroughly, to death and I have a very clear method of implementation, once we get there, and its as simple as selling wood only.
    Shops/Trades have not been discussed at all until now, I did a few days ago give you trust perms in the cove admin claim, so its still all game for everyone.
    Ranks are an option, Alas you cannot grant perm access per rank, it would have to be manual (Which im doing at present, setting trusts) to land, so far its just been active players that want to help build the cove into something bigger and better, a central location for the world.

    As for your flashy design, it does not fit in with the cove theme, and im not the only one to mention it! Good thing its made from cheap materials! Sailing it will loose the data on the signs, ive tried that before! Build something that fits in with its surroundings. Its only because of the location you chose!
    major locations of the server need to fit the servers theme, simple as that! So far we only have 2, the cove and spawn!!!!
    When I get some time, I will create “Theme rules” for such areas, At the moment we only have this one village/city.

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    I would hardly call my glass monument cheap! Did you notice the care I took to include an underwater observatory? Think of it as a museum to honor the sea,… with a gift shop!

    Okay,… I will modify the design so it is more acceptable…

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    Bunch of sand! Go dig up one of Adzy’s islands, im sure he wont mind, I’ll help!

    I dig the observatory, There was a squid in it when I looked, just flapping about trying to swim. I put him out his misery.. made some black wool.

    Now im thinking about building an underwater glass tunnel into a glass dome.. Bioshock style!

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