New News about the News: News Addition: 42

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    New News about the News:

    Hey Guys, Just to say this is just a filler till tomorrow when the special edition comes out tomorrow as a 1.9 news update. Thanks and enjoy the news


    Piggy-backers of the News

    Ok well first off, contrary to current rumours i have not actually left the server like someone keeps telling everyone and i am continuing to work on the news.

    Reptaria created a news page and there was a discussion about what would then happen next, although i then logged on the the server much surprising to Rep who thought i had left, after a conversation clearing things up i am now glad to announce our new news reporter, Reptaria!


    Talk Peace to me!

    Recently a new group was created on the forums which contained both FNA and LoN members, this was made to create a group specifically designed for them to work together as a team rather that enemies. It is unclear how this will turn out and if the actual group will last, who knows?


    1.9 Special

    Like i said sorry for this being a really short article, but this is just a filler till tomorrow when the 1.9 news update comes out. See you soon, and good luck with the ender dragon!




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    Icanra, your part of the LoN, Rep kicked you out accidentally.

    So send a request as soon as possible please, your already in the LoN-FNA Direct Coms.

    correct me if I am wrong.


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