New Evermoor – Avalor

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  • #41957
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    So rep when exactly is the ball for everyone who wants to know

    You invade this pristine world, claiming it as your own simply by your presence . . . You slaughter innocent animals for their hides and their flesh . . .
    You devastate the landscape and gouge out the earth to build your monuments to vanity . . .
    And yet you call me the

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    Yea I’m crashing this joint…

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    @JamminMas Could you at least wait for me to get a free drink (there are free drinks, right?) before gate crashing?

    Congratulations on completing Avalor, and I can only look forward to the free drinks  Elven Ball.

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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    I’m glad that you build walls that aren’t 1 block thick and 100 blocks tall. Looks nice!

    Alvanos Morvothril
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    ~Dark Elf King of the Ebonheart Empire~

    "I don’t recall using teleportation. Yet there I was. Alone. Naked."
    -Abraham Lincoln

    Alvanos Morvothril
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    ~Dark Elf King of the Ebonheart Empire~

    "I don’t recall using teleportation. Yet there I was. Alone. Naked."
    -Abraham Lincoln

    Alvanos Morvothril
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    More Photos

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    ~Dark Elf King of the Ebonheart Empire~

    "I don’t recall using teleportation. Yet there I was. Alone. Naked."
    -Abraham Lincoln

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    Seriously good work here, you by far stand out with the insanely large projects you take on, I have no idea how you have started over so many times at such a large scale each time! I’m thoughtly impressed, and I’m loving this new city.

    Im not sure why the imgur links arn’t embedding themselves, should all be auto, Ill edit the main to see if i can get them to work.

    Sidenote: who took those beautiful images for the imgur album? Thats some serious Media team member if they were up for the Job!

    edit: I fixed the embedded imgur albums, I just removed the link form them.

    The Queen
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    Thank you gods 🙂 it’s rather go big or go home.

    Alvanos AKA Hades_Morvothril took those! He is really good and I told him to apply a while back, hopefully he will think on it. 🙂


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    The Queen
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    Thank you gods 🙂 it’s rather go big or go home.

    Alvanos AKA Hades_Morvothril took those! He is really good and I told him to apply a while back, hopefully he will think on it. 🙂

    chailey is currently working on a critic sheet as to what the city needs to improve its current form!



    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Wait, Rep, haven’t you already been queen… for like, years at this point?

    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
    Message me about joining Vault-Tec!

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