Need help with submarine

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    So for the past week or so I’ve been trying to make a working functional sub but the result is always a failure either it won’t move or it will be sink shortly afterwards.


    so could someone please make a tutorial on how to make a actual proper working sub? And why is it when my sub does manage to move it sinks straight afterwards? Does it have something to do with having fuel in the furnace?

    and do torpedoes work?


    thanks in advance


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    I’d enjoy making videos for piratecraft but right now the easiest way to explain submarines is…

    #1 blocks are allowed

    #2 furnace with coal in it

    #3 its submerged in water

    #4 unblocked by any objects

    and no torpedoes dont work

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    I still need to update all the ships on the info page, since I changed some of the blocks.

    The sinking thing looks like a problem with how I set up the craft file TBH, I have two reasons itll sink.

    sinkPercent: 10.0

    This is not required, and defaults to 0.0. If set to a number (sinkPercent: 90.0), then if the craft drops below that percent of its required flyblocks, then it will begin to sink. Usually this is due to damage by fire or explosives from enemy ships. Once the ship starts sinking, it will sink through air and water until it hits bottom.
    overallSinkPercent: 85.0

    This is not required, and defaults to 0.0. If set (overallSinkPercent: 60.0), then if the craft has fewer than the specified percentage of its original blocks remaining, it will begin to sink. This is regardless of if the blocks are flyblocks or not.


    The “flyblocks” aka requires blocks at present is 5% Iron Blocks and 50%  of either  [35,20,159,160,172,155,156,42,98]:



    Its really low because before I just had it for iron blocks! I will have to move it to overallSinkPercent only!

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