Upcoming Minecraft 1.11 discussion (Exploration Update)

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    Minecraft is starting to look a lot less like Minecraft.

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Watch “Why Minecraft PvP will never be an ESport”

    It tells you why Mojang makes pvp so easy to defend against, it’s darn stupid! MINECRAFT is so easy to hack, this is so Minecrafters venture into the building aspect a lot more and leave pvpers in the dark. They made update after update (1.8,1.9,1.10,1.11) trying to basically ruin pvp for any dimwit with half a brain. I’m not looking forward to this update as I hate shields in general, they’re a pain in the butt. Now you can just hold it in your off hand the whole fight, and whenever you feel like attacking you just let go for half a second, swipe at them, then put the shield back up. It’s ridiculous. I didn’t read all of it but it sounds just like an update to be made for the sake of an update.


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    i think for a logical standpoint (and to hopefully even out the economy) we should implement a resource world for this update. cause if we even try with the world we have currently it wont work unless a full reset is issued (which could piss off the community as a whole) and with a second world. it would be the same as the first, especially with the cartographers, people tend to kill off villagers (for reasons i do not know) so to implement a second world that will not be restarted every month or so would be useful for 3-5 months till it becomes useless.

    i highly advise we use a resource world instead of a second one


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    why you may ask? well, anything that is the 25th mob in a 1×1 chunk will suffocate to death as if it was in the void, INCLUDING PLAYERS. they pushed this update to “solve lag issues on servers”, this will only increase the lag because everyone and their grandmother will be doing 1×1 fall traps with 24 minecarts in them, which will immediately kill the player. a lot of these and the server will lag even more.

    This was supposedly fixed already.

    i love the shulker box idea ;3 and about what build said about the shulker boxes, you can transport your ENTIRE BASE if you play your cards right. put 27 full shulker boxes in your ender chest. have 35 shulker boxes in your inventory and one in your offhand. and captains can even ./hat an extra shulker box. thats a whopping 54 CHESTS in total. and if you base with a friend, that can go up to 108!!! and just imagine hopper lines

    But you have to GET the chests, is what I was saying, since you need a shulker shell, and they don’t respawn, then the maximum number of available chests are limited.

    There does seem a lot that can be Pirate themed, which is awesome.

    i think for a logical standpoint (and to hopefully even out the economy) we should implement a resource world for this update. cause if we even try with the world we have currently it wont work unless a full reset is issued (which could piss off the community as a whole) and with a second world. it would be the same as the first, especially with the cartographers, people tend to kill off villagers (for reasons i do not know) so to implement a second world that will not be restarted every month or so would be useful for 3-5 months till it becomes useless. i highly advise we use a resource world instead of a second one

    You highly advise do you? well in that case…

    1. The entire map is a “resource”, what SPECIFICALLY are you wanting to own? you don’t need an entire new world if you want to steal a few things and then never use the world again.
    2. I don’t think you understand anything about PirateCraft, at all. I don’t reset the world here, Thats the premise, I would never consider this an option so you could get 1 or 2 useless items from a latest update? The most illogical thought I’ve heard, nobody agrees the world should be reset for this update.
    3. This is a survival server, Its already too easy, way way wayy too easy, adding an EASIER way to gain resources from the billions of already mined resources that are up for sale in shops, if you want any resource, you can walk into a shop..?


    Its a massive shame Mojang wont focus on fixing the millions of terrible broken mechanics and just want to push “new sparkly things” to keep certain types happy.

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    While most of the new features seem meh and a bit rushed or halfhearted, I will warn you that you will soon be seeing me breeding up massive armies of llamas… lol what a random addition but so funny!

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    Observers make MINECRAFT cars… Tip proven


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    Snapshot out!


    Shulker boxes come in sixteen different colors.


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    Well… I think that the Totem needs to have another purpose, giving you saturation? Like, when left clicked it gives you rapid saturation for couple of seconds? Has to be in the main hand, otherwise you could just constantly have it in your off hand. Better than immortality…


    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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    I’m most exited about observer blocks. Expect some awesome new redstone designs! 😀

    A horse update is direly needed. Llamas are now more useful, like donkeys.

    What a lot of people are waiting for is new blocks and new biomes! But the devs lately seem obsessed with churning out materials like prismarine and purpur. I’d personally prefer one huge update every half a year with tons of new features than an underwhelming update every two months…

    The mansion is fugly imho. :S

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    tbh id rather use the colored shulker boxes for building instead of wool now XD



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    @Godsdead I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, but it could help some of this new stuff come into the game, particularly the shulker boxes. Isn’t there a way to set it so that land that is not claimed is on an automatic or progressive regen timer? Like after a few weeks it regens to previous state or even the opposite of a trees leaves where the map just generally grows back? Just a theory.

    - Think outside the blocks -

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    Hmm… It would be a shame for unclaimed buildings, but that idea… Could change everything.

    But surely it would be exploited? Like, to rank up to carpenter, you have to break 5 diamond ore. I’m sure someone could just find a good vein or cave, and be paid to help the player rank up.

    Is it possible to fine-tune this to the upper blocks?

    I just had a thought… Leveling a mountain to have it come back the next day… :/

    We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
    -Benjamin Franklin

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    1.11 changed how the crafting bench works

    Crafting Improvement

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