Mincon New mob vote!

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    There will be a vote for a new mob to be added during mincon event, I think all 4 should be added, im hoping they will, its just a ploy to get people to interact I hope! king of hoping for mob b, as we dont have anything roaming the skys, but all of them have awesome merits!

    Watch the videos:

    Mob A https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/meet-mob

    Mob B https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/meet-mob-b

    Mob C https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/meet-mob-c

    Mob D https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/meet-mob-d


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    Damn, school Wi-Fi not allowing me to see the links. ._.


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    My first pick would go to A, we seriously need to have more ocean mobs.  If I had to choose a second I guess B.  C and D I don’t really like the concept or ideas for.


    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

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    Last month I thought to my self that having a monster in the water that spawns in deep depths and kills you would be cool. So I would vote for A making ocean travel much more dangerous and maybe even making weapons on subs more needed than before. And for a second would have to be B.

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    Personally, Mob B would be fun to see, since itll give us some actions when flying our elytras in the air!

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Damn you, Mojang! They’re all great!

    From my greedy and personal standpoint though, I’m going with C, The Great Hunger.

    “<span style=”background-color: #f1edec; color: #222222; font-family: ‘Noto Sans’, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;”>Maybe you can even use these abilities to your own advantage? To add or remove enchantments from your own items.”</span>

    We all have weaker weapons we’ve salvaged from players. I still have things from clear back in the first month of playing on here from Rep cleaning his vault out. Useless items, like a bane 1 diamond sword. This would allow us to clean it off and give it another go around for the cost of an additional step. I like it.

    Though I also love the idea behind B. It adds an interesting new mechanic into the game. Aside from passing time and setting a new spawn point, sleeping was, in concept, going to bring you to the Aether. Having a new use for sleeping that isn’t a mere concept would be interesting.

    YouTuber and proud former member of the Crusaders.
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    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
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    Oh man its a tough decision haha!

    But looking at it from a perspective of ‘what sort of mob would make Piratecraft even better’, I’d have to go with A

    Ya know, pirate themed server, with sea creatures :3

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    making a prediction here-

    it doesnt matter which one wins the vote. whatever one wins will just be added a month earlier than the rest of them. i feel like mojang will give the other three to us on a surprise Christmas update, because they 1. went thru the time to design them all and 2. already have concepts for them.

    (if im right can i get free captain rank @godsdead ? :33)



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    I’m pretty sure they said the other 3 that aren’t picked will be gone forever. Unless its just a prank.

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    im a kau

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