Meet the NEW /Warp Food!

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    We’re pleased to announce the Grand Opening of the new Warp Food (aka Mall of America)! This effort has taken months of planning & building by KellyYore and Me (arinthros) to make this dream a reality. Our vision is for a place where shop owners have exclusive selling rights to their products, and we compete against shops at a server-wide level. We will stirve to have everything in stock as much as possible. If you find anything that is out of stock, please tell the shop owner or @KellyYore or @Arinthros.

    Customer Safety Rooms
    These are a new feature designed by @Ephrygian. Once you have made your purchases, enter a safety room and wait until your warp cooldown is done. The only way to exit is to warp home. We hope that you will take advantage of these rooms in the event of PvP.

    First Level

    • Food Shop: Here you will find all of the original /warp food items, such as Baked Potato, Bread and Meats.
    • Dark’s Brews: Darkcodes97’s Pub where you will be able to buy many brews, but please read the sign for how the device functions!
    • Wool & Glass Shop: Run by Konstruktor, you’ll find every color of Glass, Wool and each base Dye.
    • Building Materials: Stone, Brick, Sand & More. We even have Sea Lanterns!
    • Wood Shop: Your one stop shop for Logs & Saplings. Make some money by selling your logs to us.
    • Pet Shop: We have a variety of animals available for purchase. /msg arinthros for more info.
    • Redstone Shop: You can make all of this, but it’s a hassle. We have Comparators, Repeaters, Rail, Lamps, Torches and a few other things.
    • Rare Items Shop: Each itme you see is for sale. /msg arinthros or KellyYore to buy.
    • Head Shop: No good mall is complete without a Head Shop. Only in ours, you can buy actual heads.

    Second Level

    • Potions: Every top-tier Potion is available for purchase.
    • Enchanted Books: Need a book? You can find every enchantment in our Book Store, organized by function.
    • Tools, Weapons & Armor: Enchanted Diamond Tools & Weapons, and Iron Armor. We have loads of options.
    • Material Blocks: Gold, Lapis, Diamond & more. Buy AND Sell in this shop!
    • Decorations: Most people don’t sell these, and that’s a shame. Grab your Flowers, Leaves, Item Frames & Paintings for cheap.
    • Crops & Trade: Starting a farm or trading with villagers? We have all of the crops & trading materials to get you on your way.
    • Brewing Ingredients: Want to make your own potions? We have Blaze Rods, Netherwart, Bottles & all the other stuff you need.

    Meet the Owners of Warp Food!

    Kelly is a guy. Hard to believe, but it’s true. Kelly is the co-owner and interior designer of /warp food. He’s passionate about making high end armor & weapons for the masses, for a price.
    Favorite Player: CallieMav
    Favorite Sheep: A dead one
    Favorite Mob: SIRHAYDEN12’s mom

    Arinthros is the founder & architect of /warp food. He likes farming and animal husbandry, and founded /warp food to solve the rampant starvation that plagued PirateCraft.
    Favorite Food: Baked Potato (because bacon doesn’t exist in Minecraft).
    Favorite Homeset: 2
    Favorite Noob to Kill: myself

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    Here are a few more screenshots.

    Crazy Pirate
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    I see my new favourite shop 😛

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    I thought kelly had like a gandolf going on

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    NICE MAN!!! I LOVE IT!! it’s SSSSOOOO much better than the old one.

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

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    Well done guys! Chapeau. 🙂

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    YAY! I won’t starve now! 😀

    I'm the General of the British Empire. (yep, that happened)

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    that looks awesome, when i go on this will be the first time i will visit /warp food XD


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    @arinthros , My name is CaptainDorkiMav. Could you add that to the potion title? xD


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    This looks AMAZING!

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada

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    @arinthros I would like to apply for the position of chubby Dunkin’ Donuts loving mall cop XD

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    @MrDork if I can get it to fit on the sign, you’ve got it! Subclaims got nuked, so I’ll need to re-setup your shop.

    We’ve had issues with this in the past, so I’m afraid I have to say no. It just creates PvP drama problems. We created the customer safety rooms to address this issue.

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    Do you offer Vault services? I would like to store a wild Markus in a vault.

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    This seems good.

    I think I need to make more of my flags so I can add one to your wall XD

    It has all but mine 🙁

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    my god thats the best shop ever!


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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