Live map shenanigans

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  • #1706
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    Ive been playing around with the live map shaders,settings and resource packs, So its half re-rendered, Im not sure if ive broken it just yet, It kind of rendered half.
    Does it look like parts have rendered in Dokucraft? Ill flush it all in a bit, see if my settings broke the render engine.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Um, livemap has shown claims miles from were they are. For example, PR is in a desert, spawn is a swamp, the cave setting is non existent, so yeah, you broke it! 🙂

    • Topics: 794
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    Cave removal was on purpose, There is no need to have that. Ive purged the entire old map and started a re-render, seems to be working, slowly, the quality should be a tiny bit better, from very low res to low res! Although the texture pack dousnt seem to be working 🙁
    Check out the flat version of the map to see it work its way around the world ;p

    I also added being able to place signs to set markers on the map, Ill add perms once ive tested it for Carpenter+.

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