Legal action?

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  • #81699
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    My Username: _ninja_8

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: ae0n

    Reason for Report. Harassing  and in real life threats.

    Overview Description of Report

    Harassing a muted player. Threating in real life legal actions.

    Detailed Information
    On August 29th at 1:20pm pst. Aeon threatened a player to ‘take legal action’

    This situation stems from a conversation on another server. Aeon waited for that player to log into pmc then started Harassing the player knowing the player could not rebuttal due to being muted. She then did a wrong chat and threatened the player with legal action.


    I would hope that this kinda action would not be tolerated by a pmc player, let alone a staff member


    Screen shots provided will be the comment that slipped into the public chat. As well as the private DMs to the muted player.

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    Its funny how one staffmember has caused more drama and controversy in this year than any other player.

    Sincerely Tulips

    - Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft

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    I dont like to participate in these reports but I have seen more people complain about aeon then me

    Former leader of scamming sailors and raiding them
    Has experience in running from the cops
    Has raided lots of chungeses per-

    Former leader of Rome|
    Former advisor and leader of copt|
    Founder and Ceo of being better then you|

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    2 of your screenshots are currently not aviable, is it posible for you to repost them so they can be shown, thank you.


    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

    • Topics: 15
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    Resized screens

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