Last chance to claim admin claim

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  • #1729
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    Last call!
    If you have a build that is currently protected by an admin claim, that you want transfured to yourself, respond to this thread or talk to me (GodsDead) or Iamthereaper89 in-game.

    Tonight we have an admin claim cleanup, Opening up these builds to pirates to do as you wish with them.

    Crazy Pirate
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    The houses in Port Royal, thx

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    Crazy Pirate
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    Thank You very much! Cant wait to expand PR, and make it a town with the new economy system!

    Crazy Pirate
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    There’s a nice looking build at -259,65,-1607.
    If left unclaimed, could it be made into a server shop, as it looks relatively nice (from livemap).
    Sort of like a temple, on a barren island. If not as soon as its not an admin claim….its mine! Got great plans to open up some stores round the place, get people hooked on cheap prices!

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    -489,65,-550 it seem someone has decided to write a obscenity to PirateCraft, it may be appropriate to remove it! Some people, uh!

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