Ladder Rubberbanding w/ AntiCheat Kick [Report]

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    Here ya go Godsy. <3 Got it to reproduce a kick for ya lol. Basically anytime you jump off a ladder, speed or no speed, it will rubber band you. Eventually the anticheat will kick for the rubberbanding as seen in the video attached. Hopefully this helps.


    Rip…file was too big. Ill try to trim it and post below in a comment.

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    This link should work lol

    Death to da Brits
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    Found another one with rubberbanding lol…this one uses no extra speed via potions or beacons, but only the +10% speed from event items. Couldn’t make it kick me but it did rubberband me as seen in the link. Doesnt seem to be an issue in water though, or while jumping, only when running on land.


    Death to da Brits
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    Found another one with rubberbanding lol…this one uses no extra speed via potions or beacons, but only the +10% speed from event items. Couldn’t make it kick me but it did rubberband me as seen in the link. Doesnt seem to be an issue in water though, or while jumping, only when running on land.

    It’s not a bug. The anticheat recognized event weapons as speed hacks since it’s an un-natural speed boost. Basically means event weapons can’t be used at all.

    Also, lmao those 3 stacks of pearls.

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    Please upload this to youtube so I can send it to the developer, and watch it.

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