Khanye’s Unban Request

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  • #73883
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    Current Username: Khanye
    Username when banned: Khanye
    UUID: e5d0b2cf-80ea-4e2b-b16d-181b27323f32
    Your punishment tracker link: http:
    Banned By: Staff Name/Automated Console Torkey

    Unban Appeal: Hello players and staff members of PMC,


    Six months ago I was banned from PMC the reason being doxxing a player, this coupled with my immature behavior a few months prior, resulted in my ban. The information I doxxed from this specific player (mindmeld420 or jakkeyyy) was his first name, this was said in a vc with 4 other people of confidence, many people in that vc already knew his first name and one of the players in that call was the one that told me mindmeld420’s first name.


    A few days after my ban the player in question decided to change his username to a variant of his name. I understand what I did was wrong but I believe that since he has publicly released the information in question, perhaps my punishment can be reconsidered. Mindmeld also informed many staff members and mentioned many times that the dox in question never bothered him (I have evidence of this fact). The player in question is extremely immature and causes much drama in multiple discords related to piratecraft, and is well known for having mood swings and doing things such as mass griefing and harassment.


    I did also behave quite immaturely from time to time, but I have always and still maintain great relations with multiple staff members who would like to see me back in the community, even after my ban. I am quite an old member of the community and I would love to be able to see and play with my friends again. I would also consider changing my ban into a mute, if it is seen necessary by staff, but I don’t believe this will be needed. I am itching to rejoin the pmc community after the long wait and see my friends, but I do know that the success in my appeal is not guaranteed.


    Thank you very much for spending your time reading and considering my appeal,



    TitansHand sha'll never fall!

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    As said in your last unban request, in total you have had a total of 44 punishments 7 of which being bans. You have had more then enough second chances and have shown time and time again that you do not learn from the past and from punishments in order to change how you act.

    Im not going to spend a big portion of my time writing a lengthy response as this has been done in past ban appeals so to cut a long story short, You will not be unbanned.

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