Keteleone threatening me with reports and swearing

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    Recently , i have been banned and i have learnt my lesson.

    However when people like Keteleone attack my allies i still defend them! I do not bully! i have not bullied keteleone as she claims! i was helping my friend vorkee defend an attack.

    So i walk to the base of vorkee to defend him and his 2 friends from keteleone, i then see them all outside vorkees base , so keteleone was the only one in diamond so logically i go after her first! I kill her and then i kill one iron person, the others attacking (crazypirate and canra) leave (teleport away) and i leave too! Ketelone then spams chat with messages like ‘im reporting this, you always bully me!’ So im reporting this first so no one gets the wrong message.

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    also …

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    does it matter lego? XD


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Dude, you are always targeting me, an i always lose stuff.

    everytime i see you, you go for me first, and I’m sick of it. You are being so rude, and what have i done? nothing. Always getting me first. Always the one to die first.

    Founder of the Coalition

    Crazy Pirate
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    Right, um, we didn’t tp away; we died.

    The problem is, you were annoying a lot of people at the time, and you didn’t know Vorkee. You had no reason to be there, other than to attack Ket. You went out of your way to attack him, which isn’t fair. It wasn’t your fight, and half the screenshots prove nothing. You’ve been after Ket for a while now, and so yes, you are once more guilty of harassment.

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    I didn’t do anything to you, and you attack me. Dude, is it me? did i do something wrong? What did i do to make you harass me so much?

    Founder of the Coalition

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    You did nothing to him? Who was the guy who attacked one of his crew members (Me) a long time ago with athenmos? Right that was you! so is that “nothing”?

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    Dude i didn’t do anything to BEN not you peter -_-


    Founder of the Coalition

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    sorry, peuter


    Founder of the Coalition

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    me! annoying alot of people! You first attacked Badvirus just as i got online ( you the jolly ollie and _lego and cos) then you came to the Rgs ship and destroyed it. you then warped to our base and tried to siege the crew base!

    KidKeats! i never ever attack you! i have never attacked youre base! or even tried! I do not bully you this is just another attempt of you lot trying to get me banned by something i didnt do (not sayin i wasnt banned for things i didnt do).
    Crazy pirate i do know Vorkee, i gave him his iron armour , you can ask him that and also look at this…

    Lego also , trying to block gordons gate and succeding just so we cant get passed . also he /backs and tps Nathofspades, qho my crew kill

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    Ben was trying to help his friends and he killed you first as a logical decision, we do not hate you , but you are with lego and we are at war with lego so yes we will have once attempted to kill you in a battle before , but not just you.

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    More screenshots of the bridge being blocked.

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    actually petering, am not with lego anymore. We have had some problems with each other lately. And ben, stop lying, you are always attacking me whenever you see me

    Founder of the Coalition

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    KidKeats do not say im lying , i never touch you . i am not lying. You and _lego_ are obvioulsy allied ,you do everything together , you attack everyone toghether .


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    Hmmm… talk to lego about our alliance.Talk to karim about that too

    Founder of the Coalition

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