Just Checking In

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    Listen, cysteen, on the history wiki it says split up, most official sources besides individuals in CoV describe CoV as disbanded, I speak for the majority, I don’t wanna sound rude but that’s why I put officially, yet you guys still get mad at me, if you’re unhappy about it, I suggest talking to the major crews, once the majority view has changed, then I’ll stop referring to CoV as disbanded, I’m sorry

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    Saraaaaaaaaaa I kept up with my rent but you get banned .-. Whyyyt

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    @chasedillon123 basic rules are: if you aren’t an active player, don’t say stuff you don’t know about

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
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    To clarify on the original ban, I didn’t publicize because I didn’t want a witch-hunt or drama, but since this has been dug up from the grave, this wasn’t a small indiscretion at all, this was a very large sum of IRL money saraphim7 made from PirateCraft by undercutting me from my own shop prices, this is way way more than anything I make in donations and a complete scumbag move. All this was made by abusing my leniency for keeping legacy custom warps at the time, I kindly allowed him to keep due to the popularity of the market with the rest of the server, only to end up getting screwed over.

    Thread closed, Forum account banned.


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