James_Games_ harrasing me with username

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    My Username: {Nitro_Is_Asian}

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: {James_Is_White}
    UUID: {ab2e6469-9bfc-405c-92af-ebf57c2a855d}
    Punishment Tracker URL: http://bans.piratemc.com/ {could not find anything}

    Reason for Report (Harrasing)
    {breaking rules, cheating, glitching, duping, xraying, exploiting, hacking (Using a hacked client), harassing, griefing}

    Overview Description of Report
    i am reporting James_Is_White deliberately changed his name from James_Games_ to annoy me. i really do not appreciate him changing his name to resemble mine it. i have heard this has happend before and it was dealt with i hope we can
    resolve this because i am not fond of someone copying my name.

    Detailed Information
    on February 24th 2019 James_Games_ changed his name to James_Is_White to get back at me and to get under my skin
    he also started a trend telling his friends to do the same to mine.

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    King of Scoryenthea
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    I can see the resemblance in the names, but to be fair, it isn’t too close or truly insulting. when khanye was khanturtle, another player changed their name to be welovekhanturtle. someone else changed their name to literally mimick mine, they changed it to systeen. these 2 examples are a bit more extreme, as the latter was used to impersonate me, and make false statements with a name similar to mine, which included sexist and I think racist comments. the former was someone in the heat of a joke, thinking it would be funny, but instantly regretted their decision after hitting enter. while I am not trying to invalidate you here, I am giving examples of more extreme cases. I think the only thing staff can truly do is put a /nick on james till he can change his name. that is, if the staff decide to do this.

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    the more serious case is that he told his friends to do the same e.g cottagesimcoe and simcoe has been trying to piss of cooper and i

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
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    U missed the whole thing with Lakesidekiller and Lakesidediktator and Lakesidepolice

    sUbScRiBe To ShOcKErBoY686

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