I'm moving and will be back peeps!

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    ok so as the ones know that know me I’m usually on almost al the time! Well something came up in life. I got sick again I hurt my back I was also in a car accident that wrote off my 27,000$ drag car and insurance didn’t cover it I then lost my job and yes life was horrible…… but every down has a up…. right…. well after everything that happened I ended up finding myself randomly sparking a connection with my ex of 5-6 years and guys….. we bought a house, she felt so bad for my drag car she bought me a 2008 BMW to build a new totally different car! So after my life became so shitty and I felt like I lost everything I found it being a amazing fresh start! And we both became serious and we doing this 100% this time marriage kids house we gonna do it all and do it right so basically this message is to tell everyone I’m gonna be gone a few months and probably only gonna be on once twice a week til everything gets settled and I have found and realized that my babe comes first before everything so she knows how important mc is to me and she doesn’t want me to stop play actually totally opposite she wants me to play just wants me to be the best I can be in the real world also. So to everyone!!! I love pirate craft! It’s was from the first day I played mc and I found pirate craft it’s been my mindcraft home! I will always play pirate craft and have so many memory’s like the first day when I’m still newb running around some random forest find a base with cysteen and her friends and they throw me armour and weapons and say good luck to then me jump in river sink and die to skelly lmfao I still remember every memory and you all are awesome and just wanna thank everyone for everything and all the memory’s I have and trust me I will be back and will continue to build my castle, I will finish my wall and I will continue to build grow and make new projects and soon I’ll get my yt channels back up and make some sweet videos. Also wanna Thanks gods for a epic server, you allow all this to be possible! I want to thank EVERYONE in the BE and who was BE for everything they have helped me with becomeing a Lord in this amazing crew!! I WILL ALWAYS BE BE UNTIL THERE IS NO MORE BE!! My bases and things are open for access for some and they know who they can allow! May you all have awesome memory’s and amazing time to come. And I’ll see u all when ever I find time to get on but yea sorry for kinda dragging this out lol just wanted to say pirate craft is amazing and I’m moving and won’t be on much lol that could have been so much shorter!! Lmfao

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    Proud Lord Of BE!
    Proud Former Chief of Police for BE!
    Creator,Owner,Builder Of Smok-a-Tropalis
    "No one will hold your hand thru the flames,
    i embraced the flame and then made my home!"

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    I hope you do well in the future man! Good luck!

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Thank you ? You as well!

    Proud Lord Of BE!
    Proud Former Chief of Police for BE!
    Creator,Owner,Builder Of Smok-a-Tropalis
    "No one will hold your hand thru the flames,
    i embraced the flame and then made my home!"

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    Wait a minute – so you are temp-quitting for a new car, wife, kids and a new home ?? ….
    Oh well, I guess those are some very good reasons xD

    Good luck my friend – hope to see you around some time !
    All the best for you!


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂


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    Lol not quitting quitting but just won’t be on very much until I’m all settled in the house over next couple months and won’t have internet right away and yea bro she wants to get married and have kids and do things right so I’m gonna give my full attention to this because it’s what I want also. I’ll be on maybe once a week to check up on things but other than that I don’t have time to be on for hrs a day probably maybe a hr a week ATM if I’m lucky! But thank you very much bro and I appreciate it very much and I hope things are good for you! You will see me around but like I said not nearly as much lol but I’ll be back bro you haven’t seen the last of me!!!

    Proud Lord Of BE!
    Proud Former Chief of Police for BE!
    Creator,Owner,Builder Of Smok-a-Tropalis
    "No one will hold your hand thru the flames,
    i embraced the flame and then made my home!"

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    That sounds awesome SS, happy for you. Enjoy life and see you back soon!

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    Good for you mate! See you back very soon!

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

    "I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
    Horatio Nelson

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    Great to hear some positivity from a streak of bad luck!  Server isn’t going anywhere! get yourself settled and we’ll see you back in no time!

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