I would REALLY like to be unbaned, and I’m sorry for what I did.

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests I would REALLY like to be unbaned, and I’m sorry for what I did.


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  • #65681
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    Current Username: orphan1203
    Username when banned: orphan1203
    UUID: 4ca327c1-91fc-4139-94be-1e8f7e11af4a
    Your punishment tracker link: http://bans.piratemc.com/
    Banned By: Staff Name/Automated Console

    Unban Appeal:  I extremely sorry and I know I was stupid. I was banned for being annoying and mean in the chat, and Im really sorry. I am just trying to have some fun during the quarantine and I would really appreciate an uban so I can continue playing with my friends!  I take what has happened as a learning experience and now I can improve on what I did wrong. i didn’t mean to be disrespectful in the chat or anything like that. Please, i really want to play pirate minecraft again. thank you-


    Smokey River
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    Alright, It’s me again your favorite admin.


    The signs I get, the biggest issue with that is the way you responded to it when I was dealing with it telling me to leave your base and so forth. So therefor you went to the locker. Then you proceeded to discord and messaged multiple staff complaining about this issue. This is where it gets interesting…. you didn’t like what one admin says so you move to the next. Then when you get to the next admin, I’m flattered and all but you start bashing him for playing Minecraft when he has a “lovely young woman” ( I was also referred to as Karen and a dictator in another feed) and then commence to say he is an utter douche (for lack of a better term) for playing a video game. Now I am sure at this point you are aware the one who banned you is the “lovely young women.” Insulting and arguing with people is not proper way to go about trying to stay in the good graces of playing on the server.

    In reality you and your friends need to take a step back and reassess how you handle life and the toxicity you bring to it, at least on an internet based game.

    I am closing your request as I feel you need to take a step back and process what you have done and try back sometime way (and I mean a long way) down the road. A simple “I am sorry” will not win me over. Hell it takes a lot to get back in my good graces when you screw up.



    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
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    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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