HELP, My shop is missing!

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    Yeah, it is. That would be me or GodsDead unclaiming and destroying all shops built near warps at the moment. I’ve removed 5 claims and their contents in the past week or two.

    So where can you build a shop?

    Only in an already established base. If you want to relocate, that is of course an option; however, I expect to see more than a single “SHOP” building.

    Only a HUGE distance from any /warp. If you are more than 1000 blocks from a warp you are probably good. Anything less, you should probably talk to me first.

    Crew home shops are allowed, provided they are either not open to the public (no easy way in) or they are sufficient distance from any /warp.

    You many not charge rent for shop space.

    If you see or know of a shop that violates this, please post the owner and coordinates here.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

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    Why can’t I charge rent for shop space in my own town? That seems kinda odd?


    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
    Message me about joining Vault-Tec!

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    Because we are going to build server-owned areas for player shops. Until that area is up and running we are asking players not to aggregate into a new shop location. This is why player warps were removed.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

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