hello please read this

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  • #6244
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    hey every one this is going out to the whole server and is not a troll thread. On the behalf of my crew we are sorry for causing mass distruction and chaos. We thought this server was a hardcore pvp and raiding server but we weir wrong. We would like to say sorry and make it up to every one we attacked. Each person we attacked we would like to give 10 diamonds each person and we would like to declare our selfs a nation. Not a nation but more like a war clan we would love to be back let on the server but its up to you guys. Me and my clan will stay isolated from every other player we will not cause mass distruction we will help many new players when they log in and help make the server a better place. We will also offer our selfs if there is a war we can become payed soldiers. Like mercinarys but we would love to be let back on the server and im very sorry for destroying and raiding and killing Reptarias kingdom and all her crew, Athens and his crew, And Corn and his crew. I would really like if we can put this all behind us and start out fresh, turn a new page. Start some thing new me and my crew will stay out of all buisness of world powers we will keep to our selfs in the westblues and stay there. We will farm and be neutral people and help any one that asks for help. 😀

    Crazy Pirate
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    Respectfully, no. You have been dealt with, the admins have made a decision, and these threads gain nothing. More is to be gained by not running the risk of letting you join. When admins have spoken, their decision is final. If you wish to appeal, don’t create more and more forum threads, as they are only ruining the forum. It has been dealt with, and I hope you have the good grace to accept the decision the community has made, and leave.

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    Exactly that what CrazyPirate said.

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    Alex Lazescu
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    *tips his Pirate hat* Best of luck. Hopefully you’ll change your ways.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    ive been talking to god and he said he would let me back on the server if i talked to the whole community about me and my crew being let back on. Take the risk i know you all hate my guts but take the risk me and my crew can change we can become better people then what we weir before. Take the risk of letting me and my crew back onto the server and i promise you will not regret it we will be the most helpful people around i promise we will help the community and every one around. Ive talked to gods i get your point the admins made there point but i talked to god he said its up to the community to let you back onto the server not me. And look guys im really sorry for causing this crazy chaos we started on the server and look i really want to say sorry i love this server even if the people dont love me i love all the people on it me and my crew just want one more shot to make wrongs we have done right and help the innocent like i said to rep I fight for the people that dont have a voice. Me and my crew fight for the new players and the new members of the server and i promise you me and my crew will help in every way we can to correct what we have done wrong and once again help not just the new players but every one on the server. Please give us one more chance to make it right im on my hands and knees begging you. Pleading to you to let us make this right.

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    If you are on your hands how are u typing? not to mention u have lied before Alot So from me No Goodbye

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    I say no,my oh have hurt to many of my friends and me DENIED

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    If u return my 2 sets of diamond armor and 3 swords, hoe do I know u would keep to UR word, nvm still no I can not trust you

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    How* not hoe lol

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    reptaria you and all your men will be payed back in full if not more for what ive done to you what do you have to lose if you let me back on this server if i start causing trouble me and my crew will be banned instantly and then thats it if you let me back on you only have things to get. You have all your items back and our support and help with tasks when needed. And i will help repair all damage my crew has done to you or your base also the man named MR in your crew will be payed back fully and i would like to say im sorry for being so harsh on him. Rep you really dont have much to lose here if you let me and my crew back on this server. Im a man of my word and that is some thing i will stick to we, your armor and swords and maybe a few other things will be given back and maybe a few prizes. But look you dont have much to lose if we come back on and start causing trouble we will be banned for good and me and my crew will leave if we come back on we will help every one out and repay our losses and we will make things right for what we have done wrong. I know we have done wrong in the past but we want to make it up to you. The last server we played on was kill or be killed and raid as hard as possible. And that is what i thought this server was like. When i first joined Rep you raided me 1 day into playing, uni killed me several times and i was attacked on several other events. But now i relized that this server is not a pvp gun-hoe server i realized its a family of people that just want to play some good old minecraft.

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    hmm good offer :/ but can we trust you? im not saying i want this to happen but he did say if he starts trouble he could always get banned again  its really up to it if everyone can agree but i will apologize for saying rude words to you and unless you can satisfy me and the rest of the pirates and navys then you will be banned

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    Mr he/she caused to much trouble its for the best there banned

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    You’ve been on the server for more than a week. I remember when you first came on and I saw your base close to mine, I asked you if you would be one to cause drama. I asked you to not cause BS and you said, as long as you were left alone, you would leave others alone. Whether or not Reptaria raided you, one person, one leader among many, you went on a rampage and attacked -everyone- you could. This happened a good while after you first came on. You cannot, now, act as if you’re completely new and knew no better. You were told, you were asked, you were pleaded with, and you had no decency.

    PirateMC is labelled as a MATURE server. I do not think you’re mature enough for it. Maybe one day when you grow up…

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    Bobo, you did the wrong thing and u were banned just get over it.

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