Harrasment from jettystrafes

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    Crazy Pirate
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    • It’s entirely his fault that he doesn’t set up defenses to make sure such things don’t happen. Know what I did in the market while I was changing shop signs and restocking? Barricade my doors. It’s a simple solution and you can even make sure to have god gear and a god apple/strength potion on you just in case you need to kill someone/defend yourself. Also don’t you need to have evidence for reports? I don’t see any here showing that he was attacked by one player constantly for a year? Also your logic is terrible…you’re playing Minecraft, why do the basic mechanics of the game have anything to do with a person simply playing the server in one of the many ways it was meant to be played? Please try rephrasing that statement.

    Elex, in the event you didn’t notice, ships and cannons, and teleporting, are not vanilla features of minecraft. So the mechanics of the game, be they basic or add-ons, are key to the way the game is played. You couldn’t have this server without them.

    I know your ‘Viking’ argument has already been rendered invalid, but I’ll just throw the existence of a ‘CANNONS’ plugin, to help you pinpoint the period of time. I’ll give you a hint, its not near the 1066 mark.

    This is a pirate server, and as has been mentioned a thousand times, if not more, it is a server based in the golden age of piracy (see the name; it sorta explains itself). I also want to point out, that this being a pirate server is not an excuse for people to be dicks. Raid, loot, steal, whatever, but pirates didn’t spawn kill, and regardless on your views on pirates, this server is a place where no-one should feel threatened or harassed.

    Regardless of how someone is, whether they be a old player or new, rich or poor, enemy of friend, we have a duty to make sure they don’t feel harassed. Everything else which goes on here is all well and good, but you have failed as a server where people fear to log on. That’s why, to me at least, I try to ensure everyone has a happier time playing piratecraft. Even when second threatened to leave, and even though at the time we were enemies, I wanted him to stay, because no-one should be pushed away from the community that we have here, regardless. That’s the reason this server has succeeded so well over the years.

    We’re not a die hard PVP server, and that’s not how we sell ourselves. This server, for me at least, is more about the friends I make and the things I do, rather than the merchants lives I ruin to the point they aren’t willing to help the server grow. Had this happened a while back, everyone would have been livid, but as it is, killing someone who contributes to the Econonmy of the server is deemed as commonplace. I’m not saying anyone is above being raided, but harassment is another story entirely. It is because of a friendly community atmosphere, because of friendships and a welcoming staff team, that we have done so well here.

    Stealing, plundering, whatever, is good in moderation. Thing is, we need to ensure it is never taken too far, and I have no reason to doubt that this has been going on for a year, because bis has been around long enough he should be taken at his word. So, rather than having a bitch fest, can we bear in mind the server isn’t focused on PVP as much as it is other things, and that we should do our upmost to ensure that this server is a place for people to flee to.

    God knows, it was for me.


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    All these arguments justifying actions with what a pirate is and what era we play in is complete and utter nonsense. Check out Konstruktor’s place, he has modern battleships for heaven’s sake!

    Players should be expected to possess at least a little bit of common sense regarding raiding. It’s ridiculous that the server rules had to be elaborated due to the sheer lack of noggin. Our server has indeed changed a lot in the last year…

    Also, vikings are awesome. And they weren’t just the bloodthirsty raiders they have a reputation for being. Someone should make a viking crew at long last – @mgalbrai? 🙂

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    @CrazyPirate1 – Your stupidity has once again made you fail to realize my point…we have elves on the server as well. Are you going to tell them that they should stop roleplaying as elves because the server is about the “golden age of piracy” and not Lord of the Rings? I mean sure go ahead, I always thought the whole idea of the Elven Empire was ridiculous as well. But according to your logic, they also shouldn’t be on the server as well. Your crew has a rather bad history of trying to make false accusations about players (like when Michty tried to say one of my bases was made to only attack him) and say they were cheating/harassing people to get them banned. There’s plenty of ways for Bislo to protect himself and it’s only his fault that he keeps dying. I never really cared much for Jetty, but he should have the right to PVP on the server because it is still a PVP server after all. Bislo has plenty of money and resources to protect himself. It’s not difficult to make a god set, god apples and potions. The simple solution to Bislo dying? Get better and fight back.


    @Block – And how do you expect me to do that? Please use your brain before you make such a reply.



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    Elex, I just love how you have the urge to call everyone who doesn’t agree with your points stupid and say we don’t understand you.. It really shows your true colours.

    Let me just take it back a notch here.. Yes, I surely could just block off my warp whenever I am restocking, but elex, there is a problem – What will the other merchants in my town do, when they too have to restock? :O

    Lock their shops? They can’t.. None of my shops are seigeproof, why? because they’re not supposed to be siegeproof.. It’s a shop for christ sake, why don’t you understand?? It’s not a castle.. It’s common sense that you do not mess up with a shop, but I still get those douche moments when people still do.. I’ve repaired lots of shops in my days.. It’s just rude really, I mean why would u do it? it’s downright unnecessary grief. The storage areas are safe of course, my shop also have a safe storage area, the only trouble only ever happens when I restock the signs or change a price.. I know many shop owners fear this.

    Yes I could take my diamonds gear, but you see, if you tp into my warp I cannot SEE you until AFTER a few seconds OR after you have hit me, get it?? I cannot even know you are there, nor can I defend, cuz your character hasn’t loaded in yet. Apparently my shop is close enough to the warp for you to come right in, kill me without me even seeing your dude before you load up..

    That’s why I’m annoyed about jetty, because he really seems to know this technique and he uses it at his disposal.

    I could video tape it, yeah, but I have no clue when he is coming so I could sit around recording all day long maybe, waiting for him to drop by.. So no, I’m not gonna do that.


    And just to make it clear; YOU claim this is a pirate server, YOU claim that because of that, you can create the chaos you want.

    YOU then claim its a viking server too, and because they were pirates, then YOU can PVP your nuts off.

    We simply tell you that this is not a viking server, its a pirate server.. When you say pirate, then people know what it is, look at the Piratemc.com logo, you see vikings? I didn’t think so either..

    You then go on to say that because this is a viking server or pirate server or whatever, then BE and EE cannot exist and moan about how can I claim to be part of that crew if you cannot PVP like a viking..

    We do not say that you cannot be something.. But the thing is that you claim that because this is in fact a pirate server, then you have the right to do as you want, why, because vikings.. It doesn’t add up elex. Your arguments are left and right and then they change..

    I simply say, It’s a pirate server, pirates didn’t go in large towns and started murdering innocents..

    You found a story on google about a pirate who took over spanish settlements, I would like to ask you; Did he do it alone?? was there many like him or was there very few of his kind? you base pirates around this one guy now, but in fact, he was an exception.. No, pirates did not like to take over settlements and kill everyone, they lived at sea and hid on small islands from the british, spanish and dutch navies..

    I would like to put in some definitions of the word pirate too:

    One who commits or practices piracy at sea – http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pirate

    someone who attacks and steals from a ship at sea – http://www.learnersdictionary.com/definition/pirate

    A person who attacks and robs ships at sea – http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/pirate

    A person who sails a ship and attack other ships in order to steal from them – http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/pirate


    Now you know what a pirate is.

    Founder of Port Hope

    Crazy Pirate
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    @CrazyPirate1 – Your stupidity has once again made you fail to realize my point…we have elves on the server as well. Are you going to tell them that they should stop roleplaying as elves because the server is about the “golden age of piracy” and not Lord of the Rings? I mean sure go ahead, I always thought the whole idea of the Elven Empire was ridiculous as well. But according to your logic, they also shouldn’t be on the server as well. Your crew has a rather bad history of trying to make false accusations about players (like when Michty tried to say one of my bases was made to only attack him) and say they were cheating/harassing people to get them banned. There’s plenty of ways for Bislo to protect himself and it’s only his fault that he keeps dying. I never really cared much for Jetty, but he should have the right to PVP on the server because it is still a PVP server after all. Bislo has plenty of money and resources to protect himself. It’s not difficult to make a god set, god apples and potions. The simple solution to Bislo dying? Get better and fight back. @Block – And how do you expect me to do that? Please use your brain before you make such a reply. @

    My stupidity? You said that this server is a Viking based server. We’re trying to get the very simple point across to you that this is a pirate server, and while other crews (Elves, British, etc) exist, it is not a Viking server. Fact. It’s also not a diehard PVP server. So get this into your thick skull, before you call people stupid, you can be whatever you want on this server, but it still is a pirate server. And that doesn’t mean you can be a dick to other people; common sense still applies.

    Stop insulting people’s intelligence, and can we get back to the topic about how some twit is harassing a public warp?

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    To this day, I cannot understand why players don’t get smart and make real defenses for themselves. Pirate server or not, in the REAL WORLD, smart people make defenses to protect what’s valuable to them.

    I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

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    I don’t care for the drama, Harassment is harassment which we don’t have on PirateCraft, I have temp-banned JettyStrafes for 5 days, He has many warnings, previous bans and mutes already on record, so this is his last warning before being permanently banned.



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