Halloween Pumpkin Patch Competition 2021 now open!
Quick Start TLDR: Build on /server creative then you can right click the NPC at /spawn or you can use /mvtp halloween find a pumpkin plot and /plot claim! Get building something spooky!
This is the second Pumpkin Patch competition is held on the /Creative server!
DeofiloW1 Creatingwithkass and Godsdead bring you back too this spooky area too create Halloween themed builds and creations!
Your goal is to make the spookiest Pumpkin patch possible! The pumpkin is a starting point for those that want something to carve or change/build on, but there is no limit to your spooky creativity!
Feel free to add friends and work together!
Once you have finished your spooky build use /plot done this will allow us to list all plots that are done on that world!
If you wish to vote on your favorite plots you can! Stand in the plot you like and use /plot rate!
All entries need to be /plot done by Tuesday 30th of November 2021! That’s right this year Halloween falls on a Sunday!
Staff will pick 3 Winners with the best spooky builds!
Prizes are to be confirmed by Your Suggestions!
Make sure to post screenshots of your spooky patch into Discord #📷media with your plot ID from /plot info too! (Or you can click on it from the live map to get it!)
Reminder you can quick login to creative by adding creative.piratemc.com to your server list. or do /server creative and youll see the Pumpkin world at the hub! and if your on survival do /warp cove too find the portal too the pumpkin patch there!

Live Map of the World: https://cmap.piratemc.com/?worldname=halloween&mapname=surface&zoom=2&x=53&y=64&z=64
TBC #🎃halloween in https://discord.com/channels/139382225375330305/901191303923109919/901191992179056740
TBC #🎃halloween in https://discord.com/channels/139382225375330305/901191303923109919/901191992179056740
TBC #🎃halloween in https://discord.com/channels/139382225375330305/901191303923109919/901191992179056740