Guys where the heck are you

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  • #740
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    It feels like I’m roaming the server alone now, where are you GodsDead, Iamthereaper, SuperGL
    I’m pretending to be mod to these noobs to keep them in line, to let them think the server’s still strong, WHERE ARE YOU, me and Harry_Mason it seems are the only ones left
    C’mon guys, we had dreams, let’s go for them

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    Yeah sorry, I Haven’t been on in ages, 1.6.4 is still in development and crashes as soon as it runs, which means most people are not playing since their clients are on 1.6.4 🙁
    1.7 is dropping this Friday, and I got a direct reply from one of the bukkit devs on release time and he said 1.7 is the biggest update to date, which means it will be months before bukkit is updated to 1.7, they are so bad its really off putting not being able to have the server on the latest release.

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    i have been busy also, unfortunately this place has had to take a back seat for a period while i sort other things

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    This leads me to my next point GIVE ADZY MOD HE’S SO HANDSOME nahhh
    I understand then ”Jon”
    and Godsy man, I miss you darlin come home to ol’ Adzy
    by the way frig opinions and stuff we can reset this sucka map into oblivion we just need to get the server going, I know I’d be happy to help build on the new map, that’s originally why I came to the server, to help create something fucking awesome, apologies for the lang
    p.s. come back Godsy Adzy’ll take care of you 😉

    Crazy Pirate
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    this server needs more people to be on it regularly. also when is this new auto rank system coming on?

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    Crazy Pirate, I wouldnt expect anything if I was you, they’ve got stuff going on, loads of complicated stuff thanks to updates, looks like dark times for the server, but guys
    Lights will guide you home
    and ignite your bones
    and I will try
    to fix you…

    Doug “Godzilla0298”
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    I miss you guys as well! I’ve been so damn busy with school and such. And totally not addicted to GTA 5… (all i do in my life anymore besides school). I’ve been checking on the place though.

    Miss Yall!

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    I played around with the new 1.7.2 maps set to amplified, and wow, just wow.
    The new terrain generation is what minecraft used to be, its superb, floating islands, mountains that go above the clouds, awesome rivers that flow between the mountains.
    I will be doing a brand new world, to start fresh and to draw in new users since we have gone stale over the past few weeks, Bukkit is really, really far behind on its releases and I cannot see a 1.7.2 release within the next few weeks sadly.

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    I’m happy to help on the new world then

    Crazy Pirate
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    Will we be able to bring our gear into the new world. I have become quite attached to my iron, gold and diamond, and it would be a shame to lose it all. Also, if we can bring loot into the new world, will it be possible to travel between worlds, using a portal of some description?

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    I understand what it’s like to get attached to the virtual stuff, for me it’s nothing, but I get that it can be important to people, what they’ve worked for.
    Travel between worlds I don’t think is possible at all, it just sounds far fetched as a plugin, and downright impossible, but GodsDead if you know something I don’t, or even you Crazy Pirate, I guess it might be possible
    by the way GodsDead I’m just speaking for you cause I saw it and felt like a response from me’d be fun, #shitsandgiggles
    My immediate thought Crazy, is that you just let it go, it’ll be a bastard looking at your stuff that you worked really hard for just disappear, but you totally need to just let it go, it’s way more convenient that way
    besides a clean slate for everybody’d be fun as well, I’m rich Crazy on here, willing to let go my fleet, I just think a clean slate, noobs and more experienced players like you, me, godzilla.
    That’s my answer to you as a lil stand in helper here on the forums, if Gods has something more than me he can tell you.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Thanks- I guess that if we are all on a clean slate it will make it more interesting. Just wondering though, will the current world still be usable, as there are a lot of structures and buildings im sure people don’t want to say bye to…

    Crazy Pirate
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    By the way, I think that abzybaba should be given the rank of captain, as he appears on the server incredibly often, along with rabauz (or whatever his name is). These two people are regularly on the server, and although they may not have reached the rank requirements, having responsible players on the server who have the power to sort out conflicts surly cant be a bad thing. I didn’t mean to be rude in this post- merely to highlight the point that having responsible moderators on regularly can only benefit the server. Thank you for reading, and im sorry if I have stepped out of my place by writing this post.

    Crazy Pirate
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    Rabautz, not rabauz.

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    Yeah I agree Adzybaba deserves Captain xD
    cheers for the nomination Crazy
    I know there’s some structures people wanna keep right?
    I was thinking, maybe world edit has a copy and paste feature for certain things, whether that’d be complicated I don’t know, but it’s a possibility.
    Honestly though most of the builds on here are building up on barnacles, the owners of the builds are pretty much gone forever
    I think considering there’s barely any regular players, we should just say sod it forget the builds and move on.
    But I don’t wanna speak for everyone

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