Griefers and Robbers?

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  • This topic has 16 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Flea.
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    Yo @thesmilingflea mind explaining? Shay and Monkey if you can explain too?

    Also If you can tell me how you got in TheSmilingFlea? Shay said you got inside and I was wondering how 🙂 I check and there were no ways in.

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    They probably used chorus fruit. I hate it when little kids can’t win a siege and chorus in.


    Crazy Pirate
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    They probably used chorus fruit. I hate it when little kids can’t win a siege and chorus in.

    Chorus fruit is only activated in a claim after a siege has won?

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    They probably used chorus fruit. I hate it when little kids can’t win a siege and chorus in.

    Chorus fruit is only activated in a claim after a siege has won?

    That is correct.

    Although, judging that when Apple sieged me, Flea was saying in crew chat “Glitch inside” I am not in the least bit surprised if he actually did glitch, want me remind you how M4 got banned.?

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    What should be explained, exactly? Hole and pillar for a silent, common robbery. Hole to get underground and pillar to get up on the roof, not illogical random griefing. There was an open beacon hole, so people got in the building.

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    Yes however, there are doors to get inside from the towers. Buttons are used, and there is an iron trap door on the inside of that room.

    And surely, this grieving wasn’t needed? this build is made for Build of the Month, and you had to come over and ruin the landscape I fixed?

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    uhm i wasn’t me grief the land we just saw that your storage has not a wall to protect chests and i didnt get in the trapdoor was oepened so my mate made a pillar and fell in the house that’s legit i think and we just made a little hole if you want i can help you repairing it

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    @crazypirate1 srry my bad



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    What should be explained, exactly? Hole and pillar for a silent, common robbery. Hole to get underground and pillar to get up on the roof, not illogical random griefing. There was an open beacon hole, so people got in the building

    Why are you using the F1 mode when taking these screenshots?There was always a trapdoor on top.

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    The Princess just admitted to helping you inside… Using freecam/grief prevention bugs to hide the fact that there’s a glitched, hidden trapdoor in that hole…

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    Founder of the Coalition

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    @Godsdead this may mean the apple is affiliated with the princess? Just a guess though.


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    Ketoh, the princess wants to get us all banned, don’t buy it.


    Crazy Pirate
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    Sorry keto, but that just doesn’t seem true at all. If I have to trust him or Apple members, he’s the guy who’s hacking and harassing the server, so no real argument there xD

    As far as I can tell, Apple pillared up onto the roof. There was an open hole, where the beacon came out, and so they got in the base through there. So, can someone explain where all this mention of trapdoors, iron doors and buttons come in? Are there more rooms in the base that are locked away, that they were able to access? If not, it seems like legit, albeit very messy, raiding.

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    It sounds like you don’t care keto, it looks like you just want to get people banned :/


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    I guess this case is considered closed? Seeming that Apple are innocent, and I move on? 😛

    Founder of the Coalition

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